Leo's Answers #48 – October 20, 2006

[raw] Leo’s Answers A Weekly Newsletter From Ask Leo! Leo Notenboom Hello {!name_fix}! (You subscribed to this newsletter from this email address: {!email}, which you then separately confirmed. If you don’t want this weekly newsletter any more, please follow the instructions to unsubscribe at the end of this and every issue.) *** Contents New Articles … Read more

Leo's Answers #15 – March 3, 2006

[raw] Leo’s Answers A Weekly Newsletter From Ask Leo! Leo Notenboom Hello! (You’re receiving this newsletter because you subscribed, and then confirmed your subscription. Simple instructions for unsubscribing are at the end of every newsletter.) *** Contents New Articles of Note on Ask Leo! Popular Articles from the Archives. Thoughts and Comments Newsletter Administration *** … Read more

Why am I getting certificate errors when I click on links in your newsletter?

In November of 2014 Ask Leo! made the move to SSL. That means that all connections to web pages on the askleo.com domain, including the on-line archive of the newsletter, as well as the articles the newsletter links to, begin with “https”. This does two things:

  • It confirms that you are indeed connected to Ask Leo!, and not an imposter.
  • It encrypts the transfer of data between your computer and the Ask Leo! family of web sites.

Unfortunately it also has an additional side effect:

  • It causes errors in some older browsers and mail programs.

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I never received your confirmation message, please subscribe me.

Question: I just signed up for your newsletter but have yet to receive the email containing the confirmation link you indicated I need to click. Could you just add me anyway?

No, unfortunately, I cannot.

Let me explain why, and then look at some of the reasons the confirmation mail might have gone missing – and what you can do about them.

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Why do I keep getting a newsletter subscribe pop-up on your site?

I am already a subscribed to your newsletter, but I keep getting a pop-up asking me to subscribe. This ‘nagging’ action is a fairly recent problem. This is beginning to annoy me and I would appreciate knowing how to stop this from occurring.

First, thanks for subscribing, I appreciate it.

Second, I’m sorry that my site is annoying you. It’s not supposed to.

The problem is cookies.

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