Articles in Category: 2012

Ask Leo! #419 – Embracing Change, securely deleting files, unwanted additional toolbars, printer defaults and more…

Ask Leo! #418 – The Importance of English, backups with the power off, wireless adapters, infected routers and more…

The Importance of English, backups with the power off, wireless adapters, infected routers and more…

Ask Leo! #417 – Hotels that interfere with your email, web versus pc based email, upgrading your CPU and more…

Hotels that interfere with your email, web versus pc based email, upgrading your CPU and more…

Ask Leo! #416 – Encrypting a file, USB 3, large files on the desktop, blurry pictures and more…

Encrypting a file, USB 3, large files on the desktop, blurry pictures and more…

Ask Leo! #415 – Moving a file can leave traces, Microsoft Security Essentials, blaming a contact and more…

Moving a file can leave traces, Microsoft Security Essentials, blaming a contact and more…

Ask Leo! #414 – Screen shots worth 1000 words, moving pre-installed Windows, Windows 8 downloads and more…

Screen shots worth 1000 words, moving pre-installed
Windows, Windows 8 downloads and more…

Ask Leo! #413 – Cookies and how they’re made, do not track, magnets, expiring email accounts and more…

Cookies and how they’re made, do not track, magnets, expiring email accounts and more…

Ask Leo! #412 – Malware by looking at email, starter printer cartridges, transferring software and more…

Malware by looking at email, starter printer cartridges, transferring software and more…

Ask Leo! #411 – Sites you download unknowingly, women versus men versus young versus old, realtime scanning and more…

Sites you download unknowingly, women versus men versus young versus old, realtime scanning and more…

Ask Leo! #410 – Viewing smooth online videos, uploading music to YouTube, FireFox alternatives and much more…

Viewing smooth online videos, uploading music to YouTube, FireFox alternatives and much more…

Ask Leo! #409 – Anonymous email, hiding searches, OpenGL, snooping landlords and more…

Anonymous email, hiding searches, OpenGL, snooping landlords and more…

Ask Leo! #408 – Finding a web host, email security, large PSTs, add/remove programs and more…

Finding a web host, email security, large PSTs,
add/remove programs and more…

Ask Leo! #407 – Do you need a Windows Password? Learning Linux, archiving newsletters, disposable email addresses and more…

Do you need a Windows Password? Learning Linux, archiving newsletters, disposable email addresses and more…

Ask Leo! #406 – Windows 8, Windows 8, file formats for photos, defragging thumbdrives and more…

Windows 8, Windows 8, file formats for photos, defragging thumbdrives and more…

Ask Leo! #405 – The Demise of Messenger, protecting files, Real Player, the FBI and more…

The Demise of Messenger, protecting files, Real Player, the FBI and more…

Ask Leo! #404 – Moving windows you can’t see, dynamic IPs, defragging, freezing computers and more…

Moving windows you can’t see, dynamic IPs, defragging, freezing computers and more…

Ask Leo! #403 – Drowning in Spam, Anti-malware boot disks, your phone knows who you are and more…

Drowning in Spam, Anti-malware boot disks, your phone knows who you are and more…

Ask Leo! #402 – IMAP, .dat files, upside down photos, Microsoft Office alternatives and more…

IMAP, .dat files, upside down photos, Microsoft Office
alternatives and more…

Ask Leo! #401 – Defragging: What? Why? When?, second hand machine, upgrading Windows 2000, after death email and more…

Defragging: What? Why? When?, second hand machine, upgrading Windows 2000, after death email and more…

Ask Leo! #400 – Pixels & DPI & bytes, (oh my!), Fax versus email security, moving contacts, SSDs and more…

Pixels & DPI & bytes, (oh my!), FAX versus email security, moving contacts, SSDs and more…

Ask Leo! #399 – When a gigabyte isn’t a gigabyte, stopping spam, snooping technicians and more…

When a gigabyte isn’t a gigabyte, stopping spam,
snooping technicians and more…

Ask Leo! #398 – Burning audio CDs, video cards on motherboards, a friend that can read your email and more…

Burning audio CDs, video cards on motherboards, a friend that can read your email and more…

Ask Leo! #397 – Why your machine’s slowing down, disabling https, localhost, sharing your password and more…

Why your machine’s slowing down, disabling https,
localhost, sharing your password and more…

Ask Leo! #396 – ZIPping your pictures, getting files from an unbootable machine, DBAN, IE8’s memory usage and more…

Tease: ZIPping pictures, getting files from an unbootable machine, DBAN, IE8’s memory usage and more…

Ask Leo! #395 – My wife’s new Mac, svchost, fake accounts, fake email and more…

My wife’s new Mac, svchost, fake accounts, fake email and more…

Ask Leo! #394 – What The File? Transferring Gmail, why I don’t partition my disk, network traffic and more…

What The File? Transferring Gmail, why I don’t partition my disk, network traffic and more…

Ask Leo! #393 – Outlook, Outlook and Outlook, keyloggers, bypassing VPN blocks and more…

Outlook, Outlook and Outlook, keyloggers, bypassing VPN blocks and more…

Ask Leo! #392 – The problem with system restore discs, live CDs and keyloggers, legalese and more…

Ask Leo! #391 – Memory versus memory, filling up unused email accounts, disabling your touchpad and more…

Memory versus memory, filling up unused email accounts, disabling your touchpad and more…

Ask Leo! #390 – Right person – wrong address, Gravatars, Browser Choice, .torrents and more…

Right person – wrong address, Gravatars, Browser Choice,
.torrents and more…

Ask Leo! #389 – If there’s only one copy, it’s not backed up. Plus – slow as a snail, TV viruses and more….

If there’s only one copy, it’s not backed up. Plus – slow as a snail, TV viruses and more….

Ask Leo! #388 – Malwarebytes Antimalware, long term storage, charging spammers, CAPTCHAs and more…

Malwarebytes Antimalware, long term storage, charging
spammers, CAPTCHAs and more…

Ask Leo! #387 – TeamViewer for remote access, display names that don’t match email addresses and more…

TeamViewer for remote access, display names that don’t
match email addresses and more…

Ask Leo! #386 – Java versus Javascript, vanishing pictures, backups that include malware and more…

Java versus Javascript, vanishing pictures, backups that include malware and more…

Ask Leo! #385 – The software I use. What it means to “Like”, social media bars and more…

The software I use. What it means to “Like”, social media bars and more…

Ask Leo! #384 – Why I use LastPass, read-only Hotmail, Youtube videos in email and more…

Why I use LastPass, read-only Hotmail, YouTube videos in email and more…

Ask Leo! #383 – Securing Cloud Data, continuous backups, stubborn keyloggers and more…

Securing Cloud Data, continuous backups, stubborn
keyloggers and more…

Ask Leo! #382 – What is RSS? Plus more, upside down pictures, safemode for anti-malware and more…

Ask Leo! #381 – Is The Cloud Dangerous? Outlook versus Outlook, Skype, Kindle, Facebook & more…

Is The Cloud Dangerous? Outlook versus Outlook, Skype, Kindle, Facebook & more…

Ask Leo! #380 – What others can tell from your IP address, view source, Facebook games and more…

What others can tell from your IP address, view source,
Facebook games and more…

Ask Leo! #379 – Happy Anniversary! Learning from a massive hack, ads that stalk you and more…

Happy Anniversary! Learning from a massive hack, ads that stalk you and more…

Ask Leo! #378 – The Impending Death of Hotmail (or not), sending documents securely, telling MS what to do, and more…

The Impending Death of Hotmail (or not), sending
documents securely, telling MS what to do, and more…

Ask Leo! #377 – Why do people forget their passwords? Downgrading Windows 7, whether computer experts exist, and more…

Why do people forget their passwords? Downgrading
Windows 7, whether computer experts exist, and more…

Ask Leo! #376 – Think email’s secure? How about trusting the internet? That and more…

Think email’s secure? How about trusting the internet? That and more…

Ask Leo! #375 – UNsending email, late night slowdowns, the registry as the source of all evil and more…

Ask Leo! #374 – Going paperless, opening junk, sensitive trackpads, whether users are getting smarter, and more…

Ask Leo! #373 – Setting up your home network, no signal, dropping laptops and more…

Setting up your home network, no signal, dropping
laptops and more…

Ask Leo! #372 – When remote technicians attack, keeping Thunderbird, book format news and more…

When remote technicians attack, keeping Thunderbird,
book format news and more…

Ask Leo! #371 – How Windows 7 Libraries Work (and confuse), reporting spam, clearing your hard drive and more…

How Windows 7 Libraries Work (and confuse), reporting spam, clearing your hard drive and more…

Ask Leo! #370 – Are password managers safe? Facebook layout, mice that prevent booting and more…

Ask Leo! #369 – The perils of sharing your Wifi, reading ebooks, the return of Clippy? And more…

The perils of sharing your Wifi, reading ebooks, the
return of Clippy? And more…

Ask Leo! #368 – Who do you trust online? Disgusting email, third party utilities and more…

Who do you trust online? Disgusting email, third party
utilities and more…

Ask Leo! #367 – Cleaning up a slow machine, when viruses attach, I release my new book and more…

Cleaning up a slow machine, when viruses attach, I release my new book and more…

Ask Leo! #366 – Staying connected while traveling, extending a computer’s life with Ubuntu and more…

Ask Leo! #365 – Surface thoughts, laptop keyboards, Documents and Settings in Windows 7 and more…

Surface thoughts, laptop keyboards, Documents and
Settings in Windows 7 and more…

Ask Leo! #364 – New Phishing holes are coming, Ubuntu versus Windows 7, sharing Kindle books and more…

New Phishing holes are coming, Ubuntu versus Windows 7,
sharing Kindle books and more…

Ask Leo! #363 – Does the platform you use matter anymore? Ghostly icons, selling out digital products and more…

Does the platform you use matter anymore? Ghostly icons,
selling out digital products and more…

Ask Leo! #362 – Good passwords probably aren’t what you think, backing up TrueCrypt, restore points and more…

Good passwords probably aren’t what you think, backing up TrueCrypt, restore points and more…

Ask Leo! #361 – Certificates: good, bad & how they work, overheating hard drives, changing IP addresses and more…

Certificates: good, bad & how they work, overheating
hard drives, changing IP addresses and more…

Ask Leo! #360 – Has your email been hacked? The 7 things you need to do next…

Has your email been hacked? The 7 things you need to do

Ask Leo! #359 – Testing your backups, missing newsletters, deleting all your drivers and more…

Ask Leo! #358 – The workings of ‘Keep me signed in’, stale OpenCandy, pipes, the deep web and more…

The workings of ‘Keep me signed in’, stale OpenCandy, pipes, the deep web and more…

Ask Leo! #357 – Ye olde ‘should I partition’ question, splitting data across DVDs and more…

Ask Leo! #356 – Booting from CD, Backing up TrueCrypt, about:blank and more…

Booting from CD, Backing up TrueCrypt, about:blank and more…

Ask Leo! #355 – Just pulling the plug, exploding CDs, CISPA, BCC and more…

Just pulling the plug, exploding CDs, CISPA, BCC and more…

Ask Leo! #354 – Computers that start themselves, what happens when you say SPAM, Meebo, Truecrypt and more…

Computers that start themselves, what happens when you say SPAM, Meebo, Truecrypt and more…

Ask Leo! #353 – Full headers in Gmail, IE8 & 9, destroying a hard disk and more…

Full headers in Gmail, IE8 & 9, destroying a hard disk and more…

Ask Leo! #352 – Removing personal information from a machine, where user accounts come from and more…

Removing personal information from a machine, where user accounts come from and more…

Ask Leo! #351 – Decompressing Windows compression, paying for free software, IP addresses, paging files and more…

Decompressing Windows compression, paying for free software, IP addresses, paging files and more…

Ask Leo! #350 – How NAT works, volts & amps & chargers (oh my!), TCP/IP settings in Win 7 and more…

Ask Leo! #349 – Drivers that install over and over, monitoring changes to the registry, noobs and more…

Drivers that install over and over, monitoring changes to the registry, noobs and more…

Ask Leo! #348 – Losing the internet in July, fixing what isn’t broken, links to your Dropbox and more…

Ask Leo! #348 – Losing the internet in July, fixing what isn’t broken,
links to your Dropbox and more…

Ask Leo! #347 – Purchase and set up your own domain, blocking unwanted email, using recovery discs, Answercast #10 and more…

Purchasing and setting up your own domain, blocking unwanted email, using recovery discs, Answercast #10 and more…

Ask Leo! #346 – Why hackers hack, why files get locked, what happens to email sent to the wrong address and more…

Why hackers hack, why files get locked, what happens to email sent to the wrong address and more…

Ask Leo! #345 – Lights are on but nobody home, small photos, backup terminology, a fully packed Answercast and more…

Lights are on but nobody home, small photos, backup
terminology, a fully packed Answercast and more…

Ask Leo! #344 – Libraries and Kindles, how spammers hide IP addresses, does your email have a virus and more…

Libraries and Kindles, how spammers hide IP addresses,
does your email have a virus and more…

Ask Leo! #343 – Https Security, Burning a CD, nine more answers in Answercast 6 and more…

Https Security, Burning a CD, nine more answers in
Answercast 6 and more…

Ask Leo! #342 – USB Ports that die, a Flash update perhaps with baggage, and another packed Answercast…

USB Ports that die, a Flash update perhaps with baggage,
and another packed Answercast…

Ask Leo! #341 – More answers than we know what to do with …

More answers than we know what to do with …

Ask Leo! #340 – Cleaning up after malware, searching effectively, booting Ubuntu and much more in Answercast #2…

Cleaning up after malware, searching effectively, booting Ubuntu and much more in Answercast #2…

Ask Leo! #339 – Sleeping hard disks, Using RSS and an all new …. Answercast?

Ask Leo! #339 – Sleeping hard disks, Using RSS and an all new ….

Ask Leo! #338 – Preparing for a subpoena, backing up Outlook, external drive boot problems and more…

Preparing for a subpoena, backing up Outlook, external
drive boot problems and more…

Ask Leo! #337 – Removing a recovery partition, speeding up FireFox, connection speeds and more…

Removing a recovery partition, speeding up FireFox,
connection speeds and more…

Ask Leo! #336 – More on initial system images, free Kindle reading applications, overwriting files and more…

More on initial system images, free Kindle reading
applications, overwriting files and more…

Ask Leo! #335 – Accidentally exposing your on-line status, unexpected downloads, wiping free space and more…

Accidentally exposing your on-line status, unexpected
downloads, wiping free space and more…

Ask Leo! #334 – Turning off MSE, the difference between deleting and DELETING, Google Alerts and more…

Turning off MSE, the difference between deleting and
DELETING, Google Alerts and more…

Ask Leo! #333 – Letting a technician through your firewall, fixing Windows 7’s boot, image backups and more…

Letting a technician through your firewall, fixing
Windows 7’s boot, image backups and more…

Ask Leo! #332 – Does Google know all? Viewing hidden files, locating product keys and more…

Does Google know all? Viewing
hidden files, locating product keys and more…

Ask Leo! #331 – Bypassing UAC, deleting cookies on schedule, getting files back from an upload site and more…

Bypassing UAC, deleting cookies on schedule, getting
files back from an upload site and more…

Ask Leo! #330 – TV over the internet? Being labeled a spammer, finding your IP address via IM and more…

TV over the internet? Being labeled a spammer, finding
your IP address via IM and more…

Ask Leo! #329 – How long ISPs track you, joining a dating service, selecting the right playback device and more…

How long ISPs track you, joining a dating service,
selecting the right playback device and more…

Ask Leo! #328 – Keep running that old copy of Windows, deleting email, using Facebook safely and more…

Keep running that old copy of Windows, deleting email,
using Facebook safely and more…

Ask Leo! #327 – Getting ‘remembered’ passwords out of your computer, backing up Yahoo!, download accelerators and more…

Getting ‘remembered’ passwords out of your computer,
backing up Yahoo!, download accelerators and more…

Ask Leo! #326 – Secrets of your sysadmin, turning off IE9’s “speed up” suggestion, deleting Hotmail contacts and more…

Secrets of your sysadmin, turning off IE9’s “speed up” suggestion, deleting Hotmail contacts and more…

Ask Leo! #325 – Getting Windows 7 machines to ‘see’ each other, repairing Microsoft Office, is this a scam? and more…

Getting Windows 7 machines to ‘see’ each other,
repairing Microsoft Office, is this a scam? and more…

Ask Leo! #324 – Which version of IE you should run, live CDs, routers vs. routers vs. access points, and more…

Which version of IE you should run, live CDs, routers vs. routers vs. access points, and more…

Ask Leo! #323 – Downloading Windows 7, perhaps even legally! Broken keyboards, image formats and more…

Downloading Windows 7, perhaps even legally! Broken keyboards, image formats and more…

Ask Leo! #322 – Watching what your network is up to, making photos smaller on disk, SSIDs and more…

Watching what your network is up to, making photos smaller on disk, SSIDs and more…

Ask Leo! #321 – Slow pictures, big pictures, big slow pictures, combining internet connections and more…

Slow pictures, big pictures, big slow pictures, combining internet connections and more…

Ask Leo! #320 – A Windows Explorer change you must make, DLLs versus EXEs, Sandboxes versus VMs, and more…

A Windows Explorer change you must make, DLLs versus EXEs, Sandboxes versus VMs, and more…

Ask Leo! #319 – Is the internet really that dangerous? Taskbar previews, Hotmail passwords (again), and more…

Is the internet really that dangerous? Taskbar previews, Hotmail passwords (again), and more…

Ask Leo! #318 – The 32-to-64 bit upgrade path, clipboards, a great cleaning tool, and more…

The 32-to-64 bit upgrade path, clipboards, a great cleaning tool, and more…

Ask Leo! #317 – Why I dislike System Restore. Also: backing up e-readers, anonymous surfing and more…

Why I dislike System Restore. Also: backing up e-readers, anonymous surfing and more…

Ask Leo! #316 – What were people asking last year? Plus routers, recovery, broken URLs and more.

What were people asking last year? Plus routers, recovery, broken URLs and more.