The Ask Leo! Newsletter
*** Featured
How do I encrypt a file?
In a recent answer, I confirmed that sending an encrypted document as an attachment is a pretty reasonable approach to sending information securely in what is otherwise an unsecure medium - email. Even though there are approaches to encrypting email, they're either obscure or complex and not as ubiquitous as we'd like.
I'll look at two approaches to encrypting a single file that can then be sent securely in email that can typically be decrypted by just about anyone.
I'll also take special care to call out what is the weakest link and the thing that is most likely to allow your encryption to be cracked. It may not be what you think.
Continue reading: How do I encrypt a
* * *
*** Answercast
Answercast #79 - USB 2 or 3, touchpad features, cluttered desktops, backing up Linux, website questions and more...
Have you ever wondered how to back up a Linux computer or a website? Do you have too many files on your desktop or odd certificates in your browser? Want to receive phone calls from overseas or get special functions back on your touchpad? All that and more in this Answercast from Ask Leo!
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Answercast #79 - USB 2 or 3, touchpad features, cluttered desktops, backing up
Linux, website questions and more...
What's a good inexpensive VoIP solution for people in the US to call
me overseas?
A good inexpensive VoIP can be hooked up in several ways to a fast internet
connection. We look at a few popular VoIP services.
Continue reading:
What's a good inexpensive VoIP solution for people in the US to call me
Can I use a USB 3 drive on a computer that supports only USB
Using USB 3 on a USB 2 computer is absolutely an option! There is a lot of
compatibility built into the way USB is designed.
Continue reading:
Can I use a USB 3 drive on a computer that supports only USB 2?
Are there problems if you put too many large files on your
Putting files on your desktop isn't a good idea in general. While it can cause a few technical problems, there are certainly more efficient ways to organize your computer.
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Are there problems if you put too many large files on your desktop?
Why are pictures I email arriving blurrier than what I
Email pictures could be arriving blurry if your sending function is resizing
them. We'll take a few steps to track down the culprit.
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Why are pictures I email arriving blurrier than what I sent?
My touchpad stopped supporting multi-touch features. How do I
re-enable them?
Touchpad multi-touch features are enabled through the drivers installed on your
computer. The place to go is the manufacturer's website.
Continue reading:
My touchpad stopped supporting multi-touch features. How do I re-enable
Why are there so many odd certificates listed in my
Understanding certificates in your browser is tricky and deleting them not
recommended. They are "by definition" supposed to be secure.
Continue reading:
Why are there so many odd certificates listed in my browser?
Where can I best register an anonymous domain?
Registering an anonymous domain will hide your personal information from the
easily accessible public records, but it does not insure complete anonymity.
Continue reading: Where
can I best register an anonymous domain?
How do I backup a website?
Backing up a website is an important step in web development. The best method
is to design locally.
Continue reading: How do I backup a website?
Can I create a backup image of Linux using Macrium or
Backing up Linux computers with Windows backup programs (such as Macrium
Reflect or Acronis) is possible, but not necessarily practical.
Continue reading:
Can I create a backup image of Linux using Macrium or Acronis?
How do I correct "An object could not be found" when closing a
folder in Outlook?
Closing Outlook folders can be a problem if Outlook's PST file is corrupted
somehow. Scanpst may fix the errors.
Continue reading:
How do I correct "An object could not be found" when closing a folder in
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*** Last Issue's Articles
- Ask Leo! #415 - Moving a file can leave traces, Microsoft Security Essentials, blaming a contact and more...
- What should I do first with my new computer?
- How can I share contacts between two email accounts?
- How do I remove documents listed on the Adobe Reader menus?
- Pages I visit are being obscured by a survey; how do I fix it?
- Is sending an encrypted attachment a reasonable approach to email security?
- Can I prevent a machine from ever sending mail?
- Can I determine which of my contacts gave me a virus?
- Can I use a Universal Printer Driver to connect to my printers?
- Microsoft Security Essentials got a bad rating. Should I switch?
- How do ISPs control my bandwidth?
- Answercast #78 - New computers, email attachments, infected friends, annoying surveys, sticking with MSE and more...
- What are the security ramifications of moving a file to another disk?
*** Word o' the Week
Encryption is the process of mathematically processing data using an encryption "key" - such as a password or passphrase - in such a way that the result of the combination is unrecognizable as the original. Encrypted data can be restored to its original form by reprocessing it using the original encryption key (symmetric encryption) or the matching key of a key pair (asymmetric encryption).
Word o' the Week features a computer term or acronym taken from the Ask Leo! Glossary. If there's a word you're not sure of and would like to see defined, click here to let me know.
*** Thoughts and Comments
Yes, there'll be an Ask Leo! newsletter on Christmas day. Fortunately the
newsletter is created in various stages ahead of time, ranging from several
days to the day before. If my elves and I have our act together, we won't be
working Christmas Eve.
But I also realize that, hard as it might be to believe, reading Ask Leo! on Christmas Day might not be at the top of your priority list.
Because of that I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and/or the best wishes for whatever other holiday you might be celebrating this time of year. (If that's "none", then ... Happy Tuesday!).
All that assumes, of course, that the Mayan Calendar end of the world prediction is wrong.
Have a great holiday, everyone,
Leo A. Notenboom
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