I'm both annoyed and a little bit flattered. More important, though, is that you not be fooled. There are lessons to learn, things to watch for.
It's usually kids asking about what their parents can see, but honestly, it's an important reminder for us all.
Outlook.com customer service is not an oxymoron any more. Then again, it's still not what many people want, either. Remember, it's free and you get what you pay for.
I hope you're having a great day...
From Denver,
Dealing with Fake "Ask Leo"
A friend of mine recently forwarded me an email he received that looked like it had come from me.
Except, of course, it hadn't. It was a complete forgery, and not a very good one at that.
I am both slightly honored that I'm worth forging, and quite annoyed that someone actually did.
We'll look at the message and all the clues it contains that make it a fairly obvious fake, and then generalize those clues to help you separate spam from legitimate email.
Continue Reading: Dealing with Fake "Ask Leo"
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Can Everything I Do Online Be Monitored at My Router?
Yes, it's true.
But before you focus on it too much, there are two things to keep in mind:
- First, it's not really easy for the average consumer.
- Second, there are easier alternatives to monitoring than your router.
Let me explain what I mean and what you can do to protect yourself — if, indeed, you can protect yourself at all.
Continue Reading: Can Everything I Do Online Be Monitored at My Router?
How Do I Contact Outlook.com Customer Service?
I get this question a lot.
And the answer keeps changing.
Things are getting better, but it still feels like we're dealing with variations on the theme of “You don't.”
Of late, however, there's a little hope.
Continue Reading: How Do I Contact Outlook.com Customer Service?
The Ask Leo! Tip of the Day
A feature exclusively available to Ask Leo! Patrons Bronze level & above.
- Tip of the Day: Tasklist
- Tip of the Day: Beware of Bit.ly
- Tip of the Day: Personalize the Windows Mail Program
- Tip of the Day: Remember that Websites Do Go Down
- Tip of the Day: Gravatar
- Tip of the Day: When Re-Installing Isn't Enough
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