Ask Leo! #418 – The Importance of English, backups with the power off, wireless adapters, infected routers and more…

The Ask Leo! Newsletter

*** Featured

The Most Important Skill

I'm often asked what it takes to become a computer programmer.

I'm also often asked questions about computers in general - everything from broken hardware to lost Hotmail passwords. Smile

The answer to the first, and the chances of getting an answer to the rest, have something exceptionally important in common.

Something that most people don't even consider.

And I'm willing to bet it's not at all what you think.

I'll give you one hint: today's topic is off-topic, since it actually has nothing to do with computers or technology.

Continue reading: The Most Important Skill

* * *

*** Answercast

Answercast #81 - Hibernating backups and difficulties, email time, scanned files, annoying unsubscribes, infected routers and more...

Ever wonder if a router can have a virus or why standby is so difficult? Want to save your backups where you want - or backup a sleeping computer? Need to get a video camera work, or to email a scanned document? All that and more in this Answercast from Ask Leo!


Continue reading: Answercast #81 - Hibernating backups and difficulties, email time, scanned files, annoying unsubscribes, infected routers and more...

Will backup programs run if my computer is hibernating or in standby?
Backing up in hibernate or standby is generally not possible, unless your backup program has a method of waking the computer up before the process starts.
Continue reading: Will backup programs run if my computer is hibernating or in standby?

Why does some email arrive with the wrong sent time?
Email with the wrong time on the sender's computer can result in a strange sort order on the receiver's end.
Continue reading: Why does some email arrive with the wrong sent time?

Why does a scan of a simple text document result in such a large file?
Scanned documents can result in a large graphics file that is too large to email. Scan settings allow you to change the DPI to something more useful.
Continue reading: Why does a scan of a simple text document result in such a large file?

How do I get this video camera to work with Windows?
Getting a video camera to work in Windows requires the correct drivers. You'll run into problems if they are not available.
Continue reading: How do I get this video camera to work with Windows?

Why are hibernate and standby so difficult to get right?
Hibernate and standby are difficult to get right because there is a lot involved in shutting down and recovering a computer system.
Continue reading: Why are hibernate and standby so difficult to get right?

How do I get my backup program to put the backup where I want?
Getting backup files where you want requires a proper backup program. Windows backup on Vista computers has difficulties in that direction.
Continue reading: How do I get my backup program to put the backup where I want?

Why isn't Malwarebytes Anti-malware recommended as standard security more often?
Malwarebytes for standard security is best used as a first step in a cleanup job. It's a great program to pull out when you suspect you have a problem.
Continue reading: Why isn't Malwarebytes Anti-malware recommended as standard security more often?

How do I pick a wireless USB adapter?
Picking a wireless USB adapter is fortunately not a huge problem. It is often good to go with a recommended solution so you know you'll be able to get support.
Continue reading: How do I pick a wireless USB adapter?

Why do some unsubscribes require me to retype my email address?
Retyping your email to unsubscribe is an unnecessary barrier to being removed from an email list. With today's technology, it should not be required.
Continue reading: Why do some unsubscribes require me to retype my email address?

Can a router be infected with malware?
It's rare for a router to be infected with malware. More commonly, viruses and spyware will infect the computer and then make changes to the router configuration.
Continue reading: Can a router be infected with malware?

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*** Last Issue's Articles

*** Word o' the Week


Dongle is a generic term for a typically small device that attaches to your computer to provide some sort of functionality, sometimes specific to an application.

USB Dongle Examples of dongles include:

  • Copy protection devices that must be attached for an application to work
  • Mobile broadband "modems"
  • External network adapters, wired or wireless
  • Flash drives

Most dongles are USB devices these days, but the term doesn't actually imply a type of connector. Historically, communications ports, printer ports, and other types of external ports on a computer have all been used.

Word o' the Week features a computer term or acronym taken from the Ask Leo! Glossary. If there's a word you're not sure of and would like to see defined, click here to let me know.

*** Thoughts and Comments

On behalf of Connie, Mark, Kate, Andrea and myself, I'd like to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday Season, and all the best for a fantastic 2013.

Be sure to check here next week for some special announcements relating to Ask Leo! in 2013. Smile

Leo A. Notenboom
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