The Ask Leo! Newsletter
*** Featured
How do pixels and DPI and resolution and picture size and file size all relate to each other?
Please explain the relationship between bytes (resolution), pixels (understood as size), and dpi (e.g. 300 dpi resolution for printing purposes). I need to explain to colleagues at work why their reports uploaded to our website take so long to download - because they are too big and contain many high res photographs and pdfs!
It is confusing, I'll absolutely grant you that.
This is one of those cases where understanding some of the details about how photographs are stored on disk can allow you to make a dramatic difference in the size of documents, web pages, emails, and more.
The details aren't horrific by any means, but they can be just a little confusing if a couple of fundamentals are skipped, especially because there are two different types of "size."
So, I'll start with the fundamentals.
It all starts with pixels.
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How do pixels and DPI and resolution and picture size and file size all relate
to each other?
* * *
*** Answercast
Answercast #63 - Email buttons, sending speed, spam from myself, old hard drives, email vs. fax, and more...
Have you ever wondered if a fax is more secure than email or if you can get data off an old hard drive? Curious about the speed of email or why those "email us" links on websites don't work for you? Looking for more speed? You can find all that and more in this Answercast from Ask Leo!
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Answercast #63 - Email buttons, sending speed, spam from myself, old hard
drives, email vs. fax, and more...
How do I move my contacts from one provider to
Contact management is still the big bug-a-boo for "normal" communication on the
internet, on our PCs, and on our phones.
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How do I move my contacts from one provider to another?
How do I get rid of Download Accelerator remnants that are
preventing me from downloading files?
I am not a fan of download accelerators for many, many different reasons.
Sometimes, they are a means for putting more advertising in front of your
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How do I get rid of Download Accelerator remnants that are preventing me from
downloading files?
Will replacing my C: drive with an SSD speed up my overloaded
We need to focus in on what is causing your machine to be overloaded and see
what we can do about that before we start throwing hardware at the
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Will replacing my C: drive with an SSD speed up my overloaded system?
Why does email arrive sooner at one ISP than another?
There are so many reasons for email to travel at different speeds across
servers. It's not unusual, and it's really not something to worry about.
Continue reading: Why
does email arrive sooner at one ISP than another?
How do I get "Send Mail" buttons to work on web
The easiest solution is to have an email program installed on your machine
(such as Windows Live Mail) and configured to properly send email through your
email account.
Continue reading: How
do I get "Send Mail" buttons to work on web pages?
Is it safe to stay logged in to LastPass?
If you are worried about hackers coming in through the internet, you're worried
about something much larger than LastPass.
Continue reading: Is it safe
to stay logged in to LastPass?
How do I transfer my documents and programs from my old Windows XP
machine to Windows XP Mode on my new machine?
Transferring data files is easy - just copy over the files that you know
you need. But programs are an entirely different ball of wax.
Continue reading:
How do I transfer my documents and programs from my old Windows XP machine to
Windows XP Mode on my new machine?
Why am I getting spam that appears to be from my IP
Email headers, the place where the IP address information is stored, are
incredibly easy to falsify. Spammers do this on purpose to hide their true
Continue reading:
Why am I getting spam that appears to be from my IP address?
Which is more secure: fax or email?
The bottom line is that I understand why email would not be HIPAA approved, but
I don't really consider fax to be any more or less secure than plain text
Continue reading: Which is more
secure, fax or email?
How can I get data off of some very old 10MB and 20MB
I would start by getting a hard drive connector cable, which is essentially a
USB enclosure without a box. They're usually multi-connected at the drive end
and can plug into old drives.
Continue reading:
How can I get data off of some very old 10MB and 20MB drives?
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*** Last Issue's Articles
- Ask Leo! #399 - When a gigabyte isn't a gigabyte, stopping spam, snooping technicians and more...
- How do I stop spam?
- Is there a reference of what services I need running on my machine?
- Could a technician discover my browsing history from seven years ago?
- My machine won't finish booting. What do I do?
- How do I get my browser to download where I want it to by default?
- Is my browser tracking me?
- My machine is slow and unstable. What do I do?
- Can you recommend an anti-virus tool that will work in a 256MB system?
- Why did my PDF print with two additional pages of pornography?
- How do I find out who's sending me this harassing email?
- Answercast #62 - Harassing emails, embarrassing faxes, snoopy technicians, slow machines and more...
- Why doesn't my new, empty hard drive show all the advertised space?
*** Word o' the Week
A pixel is a single point of light or color in an image or on a digital display device and the smallest point that can be individually set to a specific color or brightness.
Pixel is actually short for "picture element". In digital display technology - whether that's on screen or digitally printed on paper - anything that is displayed is comprised of nothing more than dots, the pixels, that are individually set to specific colors.
While most commonly thought of with respect to photographs, everything that is displayed digitally is simply a collection of pixels.
A cyan (light blue) upper case letter A
The letter A above is represented in a 10 pixel wide, 18 pixel high grid, containing a total of 180 pixels.
A common video screen might contain 1024x768 or 786,432 pixels. A 1080p HD video is actually 1920x1080 and thus 2,073,600 pixels - often referred to as 2 mega-pixels.
Word o' the Week features a computer term or acronym taken from the Ask Leo! Glossary. If there's a word you're not sure of and would like to see defined, click here to let me know.
*** Thoughts and Comments
Running a little behind this week, putting out a fire or two for the folks whose servers I admin, among other things, so I'll keep this brief.
I will say I had a great time participating in my first support role as an amateur radio operator on Saturday. The emergency communications group I recently joined provided communications support for a local 5k charity walk.
You may not realize it but many amateur radio groups provide support for events such as these in part simply for practice - to develop and repeat the skills that would come into play should there actually be a need during an emergency or other crisis.
Though as one of my compatriots put it, it's also a chance to play with our
Indeed. Playing with a purpose.
'till next time...
Leo A. Notenboom (aka N7LEO)
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