As someone pointed out to me this week, passwords are an "archaic" form of authentication. I couldn't agree more, to be honest. And yet, they're here and they're going to be here for a long, long time. The result? You need to do a better job with your passwords.
One of my more controversial positions: no, you probably don't need that out of office reply. Stop it.
Files compressed by Windows? One guess as to who can decompress them. (Hint: it's software you already have.)
Assuming the stars all aligned, the Tech Enthusiast Hour Podcast should be back by the time you see this.
And while I'm mentioning it: HeroicStories is still publishing twice a week, and Not All News Is Bad continues to publish a daily antidote to all the other stuff on your newsfeed. Have a peek. Subscribe to one, or both, and enjoy.
Thanks for being here!
Crank Your Password Strength Up to 11!
In a world where we measure things (like speaker volume) from 0 to 10, it's time crank your password strength up to 11. Take whatever you think a strong password might be — and make it stronger.
Unfortunately, too many people still have their password strength firmly planted at zero.
Continue Reading: Crank Your Password Strength Up to 11!
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Out-of-Office Replies are Evil
We've survived another holiday season. With the season comes vacation, and with vacations come the “vacation auto-responder”, also known as the “out of office” reply.
The evil “out of office reply”.
Evil? Yep. I'll explain why.
Continue Reading: Out-of-Office Replies are Evil
How Do I Decompress All the Files that Windows Compressed for Me?
There is indeed a program that will do that.
It's called Microsoft Windows.
You don't need to get any additional programs to decompress the files on your system; you can do it right from within Windows.
Continue Reading: How Do I Decompress All the Files that Windows Compressed for Me?
The Ask Leo! Tip of the Day
A feature exclusively available to Ask Leo! Patrons Bronze level & above.
- Tip of the Day: Know Your Taskbar
- Tip of the Day: Back Up One Online Email Account with Another
- Tip of the Day: Use a Switch to Add Ports to Your Network
- Tip of the Day: Use, But Don't Rely On, the Cloud
- Tip of the Day: Be Prepared to Reinstall Windows
- Tip of the Day: Your IP Address is No Secret
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Tech Enthusiast Hour: I'm one of the regular hosts of the weekly Tech Enthusiast Hour podcast! Join us as we discuss the latest news & tech goings on. More information at!
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HeroicStories Since 1999, HeroicStories brings diverse, international voices to the world ' reminding us that people are good, that individuals and individual action matter. Stories - new and old - are published twice a week.Not All News Is Bad - Each day I look for one story in the current news of the day with a positive bent. Just one. And I share it. - My personal blog. Part writing exercise, part ranting platform, it's where I write about anything and everything and nothing at all.
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