Leo's Blog
Answers to a couple of questions I asked
Over the past few weeks, I asked you a couple of questions – one about backing up, and another relating to live or semi-live events.
I wanted to get back to you and let you know the results.
In one case they were pretty much as expected, and the other – well, not so much.
Continue Reading: Answers to a couple of questions I asked
How do I change the mobile number associated with my Hotmail account?
The security features associated with Microsoft accounts – and almost any Hotmail.com or Outlook.com email address is a Microsoft account – have been giving people fits lately.
Because account hacking has become such a massive problem, particularly with Hotmail accounts, Microsoft has tightened security quite a bit. Unfortunately, people are now finding that security codes are getting sent to phones and email addresses they no longer have.
Keeping that security information up to date is critical. I'll walk you through the steps to update it.
Continue Reading: How do I change the mobile number associated with my Hotmail account?
Why aren't deleted files always moved into the Recycle Bin?
The Recycle Bin has, I'm sure, saved many a user from a mistaken delete – I know it has for me!
But there are rules about what will and will not get placed into the Recycle Bin.
Continue Reading: Why aren't deleted files always moved into the Recycle Bin?
Mac versus PC: It's Over
Continue Reading: Mac versus PC: It's Over
Just Do This: Back Up! |
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Previous Issue
- Ask Leo! #543 - My Not-So-Secret Secret, Storing Files Online, VM settings, SPAM, and more....
- How should I configure my virtual memory settings?
- Why is my email marked as spam?
- The deep, dark secret behind Ask Leo!
- Why I'm (slowly) Switching to OneDrive
Glossary Term
Hack has two distinct, and as it turns out, opposite meanings.
A hack was originally a clever or unique way of solving a particularly complex computer problem. Typically, a hack is an inelegant shortcut that might elicit the comment, "It's not pretty, but it works".
Hack has, more recently, come to be seen as a general term for breaking into protected computing resources via technical means.
It makes some small amount of sense that the second definition might follow from the first because break-in attempts are often inelegant and crafty shortcuts ' hacks ' that bypass or compromise the target's design.
Glossary Terms are featured selections from The Ask Leo! Glossary.
Have a term you'd like defined? Submit it here.
Featured Comments
The deep, dark secret behind Ask Leo!
Paul Palmer writes:
Leo: You put your finger on exactly why I treasure your writing and tell everyone who will listen that if they would just hire Leo to do their instructions or support or manuals, they would get an immediate boost in sales and satisfied customers. (Disclosure - no relation to Leo). The worst place for horrible instruction is the dropdown menu you get under the Help tab in many consumer programs. Even including Open Source programs. For example, if you are befuddled by an entry on the TOOLS menu that says "MODIFY THE HXML CONFIGURATION" and you go to the Help window, they may tell you CLICK HERE TO MODIFY THE HXML CONFIGURATION. I've actually seen this happen and so have most people I would wager. Some people are just missing both copies of the Explaining gene but why are they allowed to handle help and support? It's a mystery.
Gary writes:
If I just wanted things fixed, I'd hire someone who could do a better job that I can. But I want to know both how and why. You do a great job of showing how and why. I've learned so much from you, and, I think that in most cases (computers being so much easier to work on than they were 10 or 20 or 30 years ago) I can do the job just as well as a professional. Thanks.
Sally writes:
Your help over the years has made it possible for me to care for my computers, and to help friends and family with their computer problems. I don't keep you a secret, but for some reason most are unwilling to learn what is so readily available from you. Maybe I'll start charging a fee - if so, I'll gladly share!
I must admit that I kind of like it when people say "Oh, good you're here, I really need you to fix my computer." And I think "Thanks Leo."
Rick Wexler writes:
I subscribe completely to your explanation and have done that my whole life. My wife, of course, rolls her eyes. And my son, when he was eight and there was a discussion about sex and I realized he knew what the story was, told me he never asked me anything because "You give long answers to short questions."
Leo writes:
Long answers to short questions - I've been accused of that. That's why I say that I try to "sneak in" the education when people aren't looking. :-)
Leo's Books
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