The Ask Leo! Newsletter
*** Featured
Can I ZIP my pictures or MP3 files to save space?
Can I ZIP my pictures or MP3 files to save space?
ZIP is a very popular compression algorithm supported by many popular programs such as WinZip, 7-Zip, and recent versions of Microsoft Windows. ZIPping a file or set of files can often reduce their size significantly at the cost of needing to be unzipped before they can be used.
Note though that I said, "...often reduce their size."
Unfortunately, "often" doesn't mean "always."
Continue reading: Can
I ZIP my pictures or MP3 files to save space?
* * *
*** Answercast
Answercast #59 - Rude email recipients, missing toolbars, stuck outbox, retrieving old pictures and more...
Do you ever wonder if you can get reliable confirm receipts or why forwarded emails stick in the outbox? Curious about how to retrieve pictures from a dead computer or if you can combine data on flash drives? Wonder if DBan erases everything? All that and more in this Answercast from Ask Leo!
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Answercast #59 - Rude email recipients, missing toolbars, stuck outbox,
retrieving old pictures and more...
Why do some emails that I forward get stuck in my outbox?
My guess is that your email provider has some kind of a size limit that is preventing large emails from being sent.
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Why do some emails that I forward get stuck in my outbox?
Should I combine my data onto CD/DVDs or flash
It depends on how long you want to keep them. If you're simply combining out of
convenience, either will probably do.
Continue reading: Should
I combine my data onto CD/DVDs or flash drives?
Why do some ISPs disallow special characters in
Aside from historical reasons, there really is no good excuse for not
allowing lots of special characters and long passwords as an option for
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Why do some ISPs disallow special characters in passwords?
I'm told that IE8 is using too much memory. What do I
I don't have a specific solution for this memory problem, but I will describe a
couple of different things that may be contributing.
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I'm told that IE8 is using too much memory. What do I do?
Why don't toolbars installed in IE show up in Chrome?
Adding a browser after toolbars have been installed can cause some unusual
behavior that is tricky to diagnose.
Continue reading: Why
don't toolbars installed in IE show up in Chrome?
Does DBAN really erase everything?
Technological nit-picking aside, I feel very confident that running DBan erases the hard drive, but it's important to use DBan properly and make sure it erases the entire hard drive.
Continue reading: Does DBAN really
erase everything?
How do I retrieve pictures from a machine that won't
If I were in your shoes, I would open the box, take out the hard drive, and put
it in an external USB enclosure.
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How do I retrieve pictures from a machine that won't boot?
Why is all my email downloading again after reinstalling
It really depends on how Outlook was originally configured, whether you are using POP3
or IMAP, and how the email server is set.
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Why is all my email downloading again after reinstalling Outlook?
Why can't I send email via my MiFi?
The problem here is that many ISPs specifically block email transmission to
anything other than their own email servers.
Continue reading: Why can't I send
email via my MiFi?
Is there a way to ask people to let me know they've seen my
This falls into the bucket of etiquette rather than technology. Any
technology-based solution is doomed to failure because of spammers.
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Is there a way to ask people to let me know they've seen my message?
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*** Last Issue's Articles
- Ask Leo! #395 - My wife's new Mac, svchost, fake accounts, fake email and more...
- Why I bought my wife a Mac
- How do I find out what's filling up my external drive?
- What do you recommend for storing the many addresses we all have?
- How do I confirm that a file has been copied correctly?
- Chrome won't load my home page on the first attempt, but will on the second. Why?
- How can someone create a fake account in my daughter's name?
- Someone's sending email that looks like it's coming from my domain. What can I do?
- My power options include an active or passive CPU setting. Which do I want?
- Why can't my recipients open the documents I email them?
- How do I replace my hard disk while preserving the old contents?
- Will Windows 8 have Outlook Express?
- Answercast #58 - Preserving old content, power settings, fake accounts and domain emails, full hard drives and more...
- What is svchost, and why is there more than one copy running?
*** Word o' the Week
Compression is the process of running data through a mathematical algorithm which results in data that contains exactly the same information, but ideally using less data, i.e. resulting in a smaller file.
The key to any compression algorithm is that when decompressed the original data is recovered, exactly.
Most often we compress data contained in files on our computers. A compression program such as WinZip, 7-zip, gzip, WinRAR and many others, reads the file to be compressed, runs the data it contains through the compression algorithm and writes the result to a new, typically smaller file.
A compression algorithm is that mathematical function, of which there are many; zip, rar and gzip are three common examples. Any program that understands a specific algorithm can typically compress or decompress files interchangeably with other programs that understand the same algorithm. Many programs, 7-Zip being one good example, have the ability to understand several different compression algorithms.
Many compression programs, WinZip and similar being examples, double as file archiving programs. In addition to compressing files these programs bundle multiple compressed files into a single output file, referred to as a compressed archive.
It's worth noting that all compression algorithms have worst-case scenarios where running data through the compression algorithm produces a result that is larger than the original. While possible, with most common algorithms it's actually relatively rare.
Word o' the Week features a computer term or acronym taken from the Ask Leo! Glossary. If there's a word you're not sure of and would like to see defined, click here to let me know.
*** Thoughts and Comments
As expected, lots of opinions being expressed on my wife's new Mac, both pro and con.
Fortunately the only opinion that really matters ... hers ...
remains pro.
I will admit that I'm looking forward to the Microsoft Surface. It, too, looks like a pretty sweet machine, albeit more of a tablet than a laptop.
Don't look for me to be rushing out and getting the very first model based on "Windows RT". To me the real value of this machine, and quite honestly its only real hope for success, will be in its ability to run existing Windows applications. The RT version won't do that. The second version of Surface, available early next year, I've heard, will run a true x86 processor and Windows 8 Pro.
The RT version? To me that's just another tablet that's incompatible with and competing with both Android tablets and iPads. I just don't see much promise there.
Windows 8, in that form factor ... now that is something that peaks my interest.
'till next time...
Leo A. Notenboom
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