#957 - Why You -- Yes, You -- Are a Target of Hackers
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Lame Excuses

"I have nothing hackers would want, they're not going after me."
Wrong on so many levels. Besides not knowing what you do or do not have until after you've been hacked, you absolutely have things the hackers want, even if you think you have nothing.
I'll say it: it's a lame excuse to avoid doing security properly. Eventually you'll regret it, trust me.
Why You -- Yes, You -- Are a Target of Hackers goes into detail. Please pay attention, even if your bank account is empty.
Also this week
- Virtual Memory: what it is and why you care.
- Blocked attachments: how to send 'em anyway.
- Domino theory: how one account hack can lead to more.
- Subnet masks: your network area code, sort of.
As always, links below.
TEH Podcast
Still on "Spring Break".
Take care,
Featured Article
Why You -- Yes, You -- Are a Target of Hackers
Even if you have nothing, you still have something hackers want.
Even if your bank account is zero or you're just not that interesting, hackers are still after your accounts. Here's why, and what you can do.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
What is Virtual Memory? | ![]() |
Virtual memory is conceptually somewhere between RAM and hard disk space. It's disk space used to maximize the amount of RAM available to programs. https://askleo.com/1925 |
How Can I Send an Attachment If It's Blocked by the Recipient's Email Program? | ![]() |
Many email programs try to protect users from malware by blocking certain kinds of attachments. What if you're sending something that's legitimate, but blocked? https://askleo.com/1895 |
If Someone Gets Into My Gmail Account, Can They Get Into Others? | ![]() |
Like a row of dominos, gaining access to one account can lead to others being compromised. https://askleo.com/153886 |
What Is a "Subnet Mask"? | ![]() |
A subnet mask is a way of telling your computer or router what network addresses are local and which are remote. https://askleo.com/1906 |
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![]() | If Someone Gets Into My Gmail Account, Can They Get Into Others?Like a row of dominos, if someone gets into your email account gaining access to that account can lead to others being compromised.https://youtu.be/gBjvCq7Qk18 |
![]() | How Can I Send an Attachment If It's Blocked by the Recipient's Email Program?Many email programs may have blocked an attachment to protect users from malware. What if you're sending something that's legitimate, but blocked?https://youtu.be/ikpbQgefWNY |
![]() | Why You ' Yes, You ' Are a Target of HackersEven if your bank account is zero or you are just not that interesting, hackers still target your accounts. Here's why, and what you can do.https://youtu.be/_Z4VLEuDR8g |
![]() | What is Virtual Memory?Virtual memory is conceptually somewhere between RAM and hard disk space. It's disk space used to maximize the amount of RAM available to programs.https://youtu.be/YQomH95j3P8 |
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- Tip of the Day: The Difference Between Update and Upgrade
- Tip of the Day: Your Email Address Is No Secret
- Tip of the Day: Digital Criminals are Not Dumb
- Tip of the Day: Make Your Credit Card a Contact
- Tip of the Day: Check Online Service Status
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