👍 #902 - How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10?
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Local accounts
It seems like "local accounts", the accounts that exist only on your PC and don't involve Microsoft directly (like a "Microsoft Account" does), are getting more and more difficult to create.
"More difficult" doesn't mean impossible, however. If anything it really only means less convenient, for now.
How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10? show you exactly how, and discusses a couple of the pros and cons.
Also this week:
- USB Flash drives wear out!
- Windows OpenSSH server exists.
- The first thing to do with a new computer.
As always, links below.
TEH Podcast
Gary and I took the week off.
Have a great week!
Featured Article
How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10?
When a Microsoft account won't do.
The ability to create a local user account on Windows hasn't been removed; it's just not obvious where to find it.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
Can a USB Flash Drive Wear Out? | ![]() |
While the technology continues to improve, flash memory has a limited number of times it can be written to and can, in fact, wear out. https://askleo.com/2618 |
Installing the Windows Open SSH Server | ![]() |
SSH is a popular tool to access command prompts and shells remotely. Windows makes an OpenSSH server is available for install. https://askleo.com/143048 |
The First Thing You Should Do With a New Computer | ![]() |
If you can, wait to play with your new computer for a little while. I have something important I want you to do first. https://askleo.com/143069 |
Just What Is a Backup, Anyway? | ![]() |
At its most basic, backups are simple: a copy of something kept somewhere else to keep it safe. https://askleo.com/29690 |
Ask Leo! on YouTube
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![]() | Just What Is a Backup, Anyway?At its most basic, backups are simple: a copy of something kept somewhere else to keep it safe.https://youtu.be/qZiv1HLbXn8 |
![]() | The First Thing You Should Do With a New ComputerIf you can, wait to play with your new computer for a little while. I have something important I want you to do first.https://youtu.be/JFpbRaZ_ZHs |
![]() | Installing the Windows Open SSH ServerSSH is a popular tool to access command prompts and shells remotely. Windows makes an OpenSSH server is available for install.https://youtu.be/AA33otAinxA |
![]() | How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10?The ability to create a local user account on Windows hasn't been removed; it's just not obvious where to find it.https://youtu.be/52AB3cjwIKA |
![]() | Can a USB Flash Drive Wear Out?While the technology continues to improve, flash drive memory has a limited number of times it can be written to and can, in fact, wear out.https://youtu.be/-6l5JwnuEY8 |
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