👍 #812 – Why a Chromebook? (And Why I Purchased Two for the Important People in My Life)

Confident Computing #812 - Why a Chromebook? (And Why I Purchased Two for the Important People in My Life)

Featured Article

Chromebooks. They're not PCs running Windows, they're not Macs, they're not Linux (sorta), they're not Android (except, maybe) ... so what are they?

Well, as it turns out they're ideal for a more-and-more common class of computer user; like my wife, and a close family friend.

I purchased two of them, recently, and Why a Chromebook? (And Why I Purchased Two for the Important People in My Life) has my reasoning and all the details.

Other articles this week

Web pages can be slow for a variety of reasons. Diagnosing a Slow-loading Webpage with Firefox - Introducing the Network Performance Display in Web Developer Tools demonstrates using a tool built into most modern browsers that can help point fingers at possible culprits.

Don't delete an email account until you're positive you won't need it ever again. Will My Email Be There If I Reactivate a Deleted Account? Don't Count On It covers one of many reasons why.

You've probably heard the term "zero day" when it comes to computer vulnerabilities and whatnot. What's a "Zero-Day" Attack? A Diagram of the Vulnerability Timeline explains this confusing bit of "geek speak".

The Ask Leo! Podcast

If you didn't know, Ask Leo! is available as a podcast. So far it's been mostly just me reading, or more correctly narrating each article. That's about to change.

Changes to the Ask Leo! Podcast has the details.

Ask Leo! Live

The most recent Ask Leo! Live last Saturday was fun! I talked about the result of this year's reader survey -- some surprises, some expected, always interesting. Survey Results & More ' Ask Leo! Live has the edited video, as well as the full recordings. You'll find notes, a transcript, related links, and of course moderated comments.

The TEH Podcast

Speaking of podcasts, the TEH Podcast has moved on to episode 101!

We discuss some of the slow changes happening in society enabled by technology, due to the pandemic. Gary described a different kind of "dinner out" experience. I discuss my uninterruptible power supply not living up to its name. Virtual graduations are cool, "Nordic Noir", "Mythic Quest", and of course much more.

TEH 101: Cool rockets and TV shows, getting interrupted electronically, and wiping computers..


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Why a Chromebook? (And Why I Purchased Two for the Important People in My Life)

I recently purchased a new computer for my wife.

You may recall that several years ago, I got her a MacBook Air. After over seven years of service, it was time to replace it. This time, I opted to get her a Chromebook.

After a month or so, when a friend found themselves in a similar position with another aging laptop — this time a six-year-old Dell — I got them a Chromebook as well. In fact, I got them the exact same model as my wife's.

Continue Reading: Why a Chromebook? (And Why I Purchased Two for the Important People in My Life)

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This Week's Articles

Diagnosing a Slow-loading Webpage with Firefox - Introducing the Network Performance Display in Web Developer Tools

When running Mozilla Firefox browser after entering a valid URL, a V-E-R-Y L-O-N-G delay occurs before the chosen page appears on the screen. One or more msgs ("waiting for", "transferring data", "TLS handshake", etc) seem to be accessing strange unwanted (advertising??) websites, which probably result in the long delay. Pop-up blocker is active but Firefox apparently insists on loading "foreign" webpages regardless. Can anything be done to eliminate this very annoying delay accessing the URL I entered ?

It really depends on which pages are causing slow-loading and why. There are, as you might expect, many possibilities.

I'm going to use this as an opportunity to introduce a diagnostic tool available in most modern browsers. While it's generally packaged in something called “developer tools”, you don't have to be a developer to use it or benefit from it.

Since you're using Firefox, I'll show you there.

Continue Reading: Diagnosing a Slow-loading Webpage with Firefox - Introducing the Network Performance Display in Web Developer Tools


Will My Email Be There If I Reactivate a Deleted Account? Don't Count On It

I am thinking of shutting down my email address. But was curious if I do so, would Yahoo hold it for a length of time before permanently deleting it? And if I were to request to reinstate it, would emails sent to me still be there or not?

There's a very simple answer to this one: no.

Even if the answer is yes, the answer is no.

Let me explain.

Continue Reading: Will My Email Be There If I Reactivate a Deleted Account? Don't Count On It


What's a "Zero-Day" Attack? A Diagram of the Vulnerability Timeline

Can you tell me more about zero-day drive-by attacks? I experienced one on my fully updated and patched Windows computer (automatic Windows Update ON), which has the latest anti-malware tools. I saw the hacked behavior and immediately turned off my computer. Scanning both before and after this attack showed no prior or present malware infection. Is this the best response for such attacks, as it appears to have successfully prevented malware infection by this drive-by attack that I experienced?

The very nature of “zero day” exploits is that your virus scanner would show that you were clean both before and after being infected.

It's not until your anti-virus software provider updates their virus databases and you take that update that your scanner knows what to look for.

Yes, that means you may still be infected.

Let's go through the timeline that got you here.

Continue Reading: What's a "Zero-Day" Attack? A Diagram of the Vulnerability Timeline


Changes to the Ask Leo! Podcast

I'm making a small change to the way that The Ask Leo! Podcast is made.

The short version is that instead of simply narrating each article, my plan is to talk about each article, and perhaps demonstrate what the article is discussing when I can.

Demonstrate? In a podcast?

Aye, that exposes the underlying reason.

Continue Reading: Changes to the Ask Leo! Podcast

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Posted: June 9, 2020 in: 2020
Shortlink: https://newsletter.askleo.com/8390
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I'm Leo Notenboom and I've been playing with computers since I took a required programming class in 1976. I spent over 18 years as a software engineer at Microsoft, and after "retiring" in 2001 I started Ask Leo! in 2003 as a place to help you find answers and become more confident using this amazing technology at our fingertips. More about Leo.