👍 #925 – Can a Data Breach Expose Multiple Accounts?

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👍 #925 - Can a Data Breach Expose Multiple Accounts?
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19? 19!

Wednesday marks the 19th anniversary of Ask Leo!. The first post was made on August 10, 2003.

Wow. Just ... wow. When I started I had no idea I'd be here 19 years later.

19 and counting, that is.

Thank you for coming along for the ride, and making it possible.

A foot in the door?

OK, so you find one of your accounts has been involved in a data breach somewhere. What does that mean for your other accounts?

It depends. It could mean nothing, or it could mean some of your other accounts are now at risk as well.

Can a Data Breach Expose Multiple Accounts? delves into the details of when, and how, you need to protect yourself.

Also this week:

  • Stuck Printers
  • Scam Protection
  • Motherboards and Backups

As always, links below.

TEH Podcast

Our brief summer haitus continues.

Take care,


Featured Article

Can a Data Breach Expose Multiple Accounts?

Can a Data Breach Expose Multiple Accounts?


Also This Week on Ask Leo!

My Print Queue is Stuck. How Do I Print Anything?
What to do when your Windows print queue gets really confused.

My Print Queue is Stuck. How Do I Print Anything?
Every so often, the Windows print queue gets stuck. Everything looks like it should print, but it won't. We'll fix it.


How Can I Protect Myself From Scams?
Steps you can take to be prepared.

How Can I Protect Myself From Scams?
Scams are everywhere, it seems. I'll cover some common ones, and share the single most important rule to protect youself.


Will My Backup Work If I Replace My Motherboard?
It's worth a shot, but be prepared for the worst.

Will My Backup Work If I Replace My Motherboard?
Replacing a motherboard may require a reinstall or a repair install. Or you might get lucky, and it'll just work.

Ask Leo! on YouTube

Subscribe to Ask Leo! on YouTube to get the latest on YouTube.com. Your subscription (and "Likes") help others find Ask Leo!, and the the answers they're looking for.

Why Am I Being Labeled a Spammer?

Possibly being labeled a spammer is another reason not to forward political and other emails. Do it enough and your normal email may not get delivered.


Will My Backup Work If I Replace My Motherboard?

If you replace a motherboard may require a reinstall or a repair install. Or you might get lucky, and it'll just work.


How Can I Protect Myself from Scams?

The gift card scam. And it?s common enough that it has a name.


Can a Data Breach Expose Multiple Accounts?

Data breaches rarely expose multiple accounts. There are rare scenarios where multiple accounts might still be at risk, though.


My Print Queue is Stuck, How Do I Print Anything?

Every so often, the Windows Print Queue gets "stuck". Everything looks like it should print, but it won't. We'll fix it.

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Leo A. Notenboom & Puget Sound Software, LLC.
Ask Leo! is a registered trademark ® of Puget Sound Software, LLC

Posted: August 9, 2022 in: 2022
Shortlink: https://newsletter.askleo.com/8805
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I'm Leo Notenboom and I've been playing with computers since I took a required programming class in 1976. I spent over 18 years as a software engineer at Microsoft, and after "retiring" in 2001 I started Ask Leo! in 2003 as a place to help you find answers and become more confident using this amazing technology at our fingertips. More about Leo.