👍 #870 - Did Microsoft Lie?
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This week's articles & videos
Oh my.
The announcment of the forthcoming Windows 11 took many people by surprise, myself included. Then it got worse with with the very confusing messaging about its features, its requirements, and, to put it bluntly, its very reason for existance.
Honestly, I didn't expect it to be called "11". Like you I'd heard and believed the statement that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows.
In this week's featured article I delve into what happend with that, what was really said, who said it, and whether or not we should have paid attention to it in the first place.
In other words, I'll offer my opinion on the question "Did Microsoft Lie?"
Also this week:
- I don't know how to say it any more clearly: RAID is not backup.
- Did you know: we are all under constant attack?
- I wax nostalgic about my career, and what my biggest takeaway for others might be.
TEH Podcast
Skipped another week! (I was on a highway somewhere between Colorado and Seattle. ) Plans is that we'll be back next week.
Speaking of travel.
I played a little on my way out of town by recording TikTok videos at each rest stop. Not only an experiment, but it ended up being a bit of an examination of a problem I had along the way. More here in my TikTok.
Back home now. Yay!
Take care,
This Week's Featured Article
Did Microsoft Lie?
The dangers in believing sound bites and clickbait.
The release of Windows 11 proved the statement that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows to be wrong. But was it a lie?
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
Should I Use RAID for Backup? | ![]() |
RAID is a valuable technology for improving disk speed and fault tolerance, but it is in no way a replacement for backing up. https://askleo.com/4372 |
What Are These Access Attempts In My Router Log? | ![]() |
Any device sitting on the internet is subject to a constant stream of "internet background noise". It's why you really want to be behind a firewall. https://askleo.com/2949 |
The 40-year Takeaway | ![]() |
Feeling reflective, I look back on my career path to see what we might learn from it that could apply to today's youth. https://askleo.com/67362 |
"Chkdsk Cannot Run Because the Volume Is in Use by Another Process" | ![]() |
Chkdsk checks your disk for errors at a low level, requiring exclusive access to the disk to do so. "Chkdsk cannot run..." means it doesn't have the exclusive access it needs. https://askleo.com/4507 |
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![]() | "Chkdsk Cannot Run Because the Volume Is in Use by Another Process"Chkdsk checks your disk for errors at a low level, requiring exclusive access to the disk to do so. "Chkdsk cannot run... Volume is in use" means it doesn't have the exclusive access it needs.https://youtu.be/m3FrYwC_6_0 |
![]() | The 40-year TakeawayFeeling reflective, I look back on my career path to see what we might learn from it that could apply to today's youth.https://youtu.be/y30GPhBzhEM |
![]() | What Are These Access Attempts In My Router Log?Any device sitting on the internet is subject to a constant stream of access attempts that can show in your log. It's why you really want to be behind a router with a firewall.https://youtu.be/OuM_o9iR66A |
![]() | Did Microsoft Lie?The release of Windows 11 proved the statement that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows to be wrong. But did Microsoft lie?https://youtu.be/Q_IzkSXBhpI |
![]() | Should I Use RAID for Backup?RAID is a valuable technology for improving apparent disk speed and fault tolerance, but should you use it as a replacement for your backup?https://youtu.be/WOXS5BaTckk |
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