Leo's Answers
A Weekly Newsletter From
Ask Leo!
Leo Notenboom
*** Contents
- This Week's New Articles on Ask Leo!
- A Word from our Sponsor
- Popular Articles from the Archives
- Thoughts and Comments
- Newsletter Administration
*** This Week's New Articles on Ask Leo!
How do I view full headers in Windows Live Hotmail?
I have the Windows Live version of Hotmail. What do I need to do to make the complete headers show when i receive emails? |
I'd love for someone to prove me wrong... but I can't find it either.
Not only does Microsoft seem to be forcing all Hotmail users to migrate to Windows Live Hotmail, but a few features seem to disappear along the way.
Hopefully that'll only be temporary. I know of at least one feature that seems to have returned after an absence.
Continue reading: "How
do I view full headers in Windows Live Hotmail?"
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How do I UNinstall a program that's not in the add/remove list?
How do I remove a program that is not on the Add/Remove programs list? It is on the All Programs list but doesn't have an uninstall option. I have searched all over but can't see how. |
Unfortunately this can get complicated.
Some programs don't require an uninstaller, all you need do is delete them (I'll show you how to do that for most).
Some programs should have an uninstall option, and don't. That's where things can get messy.
Continue reading:
"How do I UNinstall a program that's not in the add/remove list?"
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How do I install programs if I'm not the administrator of the computer?
I'm trying to run in a "safe" limited user account, but I often find that I need to install something - which I can't. Is there a way I can install software on my machine without having to be the administrator? |
This can be a very frustrating situation, I know. I have machines where the primary account is an administrator, simply because of the frequent irritation of application updates and installations that require it.
It's not always this, way, which is fine.
It does, and it doesn't have to be this way, and that is frustrating.
Continue reading:
"How do I install programs if I'm not the administrator of the
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Can I save programs I download from the Internet?
I recently purchased a new computer and was not able to transfer programs that had no CD's; programs that I had downloaded from the net. Can I download a program onto a CD and then use that CD to install and retain a copy for future use? |
In fact I do it regularly, and recommend it strongly.
And it's pretty easy to do.
Continue reading: "Can
I save programs I download from the Internet?"
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How do I know which program is used to open a particular type of file?
I saw your article on file associations, but how do you know which file type to associated a program with? When I get an email and click to open the attachment and there is no file association to go with it, how can I possibly know what program should be use? |
Ever wonder why most filenames end in a period followed by three characters? Like ".exe" or ".doc"? That part of the file name, known as the extension, tells the operating system what kind of file it is and then from that what program should be used to operate on it. If the operating system doesn't already know, then you can use that same information to figure it out what program should be used.
Well, usually you can.
Continue reading:
"How do I know which program is used to open a particular type of
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Why I hate DirectX
DirectX has a problem, and it's common industry wide.Continue reading: "Why
I hate DirectX"
*** A Word from our Sponsor
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*** Popular Articles from the Archives
How do I change my email address?
Most commonly with the free email services, people often aren't happy with the email addresses that are available. After a while they want a new email address that's "cooler" or more descriptive.
Depending on the email service you're using and how much effort you want to put into things, changing your email address can be either easy or hard. More likely it'll be somewhere in between.
Read more... How do I change my
email address?
*** Thoughts and Comments
This has been a week of backtracking ...
If you look closely, an article I posted a couple of weeks ago, From where can I download Outlook Express 6? has been significantly updated. Why? Where I thought that there was no real upgrade for Outlook Express for Windows XP users, a reader pointed me at a solution. It turns out that there is an upgrade, sort of. "Windows Live Mail" (not to be Confused with "Windows Mail" or "Windows Live Hotmail", all different things - sigh.) Read the updated article for the new information.
Also this week, I posted an article which I've since removed while I review a couple of the positions I took. Why? The very first comment indicated that I was "wrong, wrong, wrong" about one aspect of my article, and it turns out that the commentor is probably "right, right, right". I'll be reviewing and republishing that article in the near future.
I've certainly never claimed to know everything, and I know I'm flat-out wrong on occasion. That's one of the reasons I encourage comments on my articles; it's great that readers are able to contribute as they have. In many ways, if you're only reading my articles you're often missing a lot of good additional content.
Let's face it ... mistakes happen, happen, happen.
'till next time...
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The Latest: at Forwarded Funnies: "Ramblings of a Retired Mind"
Some of Leo's other sites: The Ask Leo! Store, Leo's Online Business Card, Taming Email, MovableType Tips, Leo's Blog, Buy Leo a Latte, Buy Leo a Beer, A Letter To Myself, Dolls and Friends, Corgwn.com
*** Newsletter Administration
Do you have a question? A comment, perhaps? Newsletter subscribers can visit http://ask-leo.com/askleosubscriber.html to submit your comments and questions. That page is only mentioned here, so I'll know it's from someone who's taken the time to read this far!
I'll be honest: I'll try to respond, but I get a lot of questions every day - I just can't answer everyone. Rest assured, though, that even if you don't hear from me directly, I read every email I get.
Leo's Answers Newsletter is a weekly publication of Ask Leo! and Leo A. Notenboom. It's also available as an RSS feed at this URL: http://ask-leo.com/newsletter.xml. Archives of previous newsletter issues can be found on the Ask Leo! web site, http://ask-leo.com/newsletter.html.
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Newsletter contents Copyright © 2007, Leo A. Notenboom & Puget Sound Software, LLC.