A Weekly Newsletter From
Ask Leo!
Leo Notenboom
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*** Contents
- This Week's New Articles on Ask Leo!
- A Word from our Sponsor
- Featured Comments
- This Week's Most Popular Articles
- Leo Recommends
- Popular Articles from the Archives
- Thoughts and Comments
- Newsletter Administration
*** This Week's New Articles on Ask Leo!
What's the difference between using Outlook Express versus my ISP's email?
Is there an advantage using Windows Outlook Express email service over an ISP such as Comcast? What is the difference? |
The question shows a very common point of confusion.
In a way, it's kind of like asking "which is a faster way to get home, taking Main Street, or driving a Ford?" The two things being compared kind of relate, but in fact are two very different things that don't compare to each other at all. In reality you might take your Ford down Main Street, or perhaps your Maserati traveling on Elm St. would be faster.
Let's sort out this whole ISP, Email Program mess.
Continue reading:
"What's the difference between using Outlook Express versus my ISP's
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How long should email take to be delivered?
1. How long does e-mail delivery typically take? What are the most common ranges? 2. How long does it actually take (more or less) for the mailer-daemon at my e-mail host (or whoever) to find the addressee mailbox is full, the addressee is unknown or otherwise undeliverable? (such as address misspelled) 3. Where the addressee data seems valid, how long will the mailer-daemon at my e-mail host (or whoever) keep trying? Answers to these questions might be of general interest to people frequently replying and to pen pals. |
I'm guessing it's really only the first that most people will be interested in, but I'll hit the other two as well.
People have high expectations of email. And most of the time those expectations are actually met.
However, what's considered "allowable behavior" will surprise you.
Continue reading: "How long
should email take to be delivered?"
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How do I prevent auto-download or auto-start video?
It seems more and more websites are now including a video in their page that starts downloading and I can't stop it without leaving that page. How can I prevent automatic video downloads and stay on that page? |
The short answer is that you can't. At least not without some drastic measures.
I have a few videos on my site that fall into this category, and I need to clean them up. I spent some time recently looking for a player that would start downloading only when you hit "play".
But that's just me, on my web site.
Continue reading: "How
do I prevent auto-download or auto-start video?"
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Please don't spam me!
Please do not have your third parties send me junk emails or advertisements! I get enough! |
Though it's not actually a question - more like a directive - it was included with a question. A question where, naturally, the questioner gave me their email address.
As a way to stop spam, I think it's important to realize that simply asking people not to spam you likely won't work.
Here's why...
Continue reading: "Please don't spam me!"
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Do I need to use a screen saver if I have an LCD screen?
I have LCD monitor. Do I need to use screensaver? Do you recommend that I do or don't? |
Let's put it this way: I do.
In fact, I use a couple of specific settings related to that, and very much on purpose.
Let me tell you why.
Continue reading:
"Do I need to use a screen saver if I have an LCD screen?"
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How do I access Hotmail using Outlook Express?
I am an avid Outlook Express user. I love it. I really like the IMAP feature of accessing Hotmail from various computers, plus it grabs my POP accounts quickly and easily. Recently, I got the message below from Microsoft. "As a valued customer, we want to provide advanced notice that as of June 30, 2008, Microsoft is disabling the DAV protocol and you will no longer be able to access your Hotmail Inbox via Outlook Express. As an alternative, we recommend that you download Windows Live Mail, a free desktop e-mail client that has the familiarity of Outlook Express and much more. This next generation of free e-mail software will allow you to easily manage multiple e-mail accounts, including Windows Live Hotmail, plus other e-mail accounts that support POP3/IMAP. Better yet, Windows Live Mail integrates well with other Windows Live services, and downloads in minutes. After you provide your user name and password, you will automatically be linked to your Hotmail account, providing continued access to your email and contacts." I tried their "Live Mail", but it's horribly slow and nowhere as easy to use as OE. Please help! |
This has actually been happening slowly over the past couple of years. Microsoft is phasing out not only Hotmail access in Outlook Express, but they're phasing out Outlook Express itself.
In other words, the news is not good for all those folks who want to keep using Outlook Express to manage their Hotmail.
Let's look at your alternatives.
Continue reading: "How do
I access Hotmail using Outlook Express?"
*** A Word from our Sponsor
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Advertisement. Ask Leo about advertising here.
*** Featured Comments
A sampling of some of the comments that have been posted recently on Ask Leo!
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The article What happens when I die? generated a number of thoughtful comments. In addition to the comments you'll find with the article, this came in via the question form, and I thought I'd share it here as well:
Rexford writes:
Your last article on security, and death was particularly appropriate for me, as I am 85 and holding. Thought you might learn a thing or two about how I am handling this situation.
I have two children, co-heirs to whatever is left when I die. Both are in their mid 50s, and both trustworthy, so I didn't have to look far from the tree to find my co-personal representatives. However, both live far away in another state, and that does compound things a bit. Both are computer literate.
My solution:
- Make and keep up to date a will. I don't know the rules in other states, but in some states if you die intestate [without a will], the state may end up with assets you wanted your kids to have.
- Prepay our funerals.
- Although it is difficult with today's banking regulations, I have succeeded in making both kids co-owners of our safe deposit box, checking account, and the few securities we own.
The computer. I do most everything on the internet; buy meds, books, some clothing, computers and computer parts, printers, ink for same, and so on. And because I do, most vendors want you to register and select a password.
To generate passwords, I use a free prog called PWSafe, available from Counterpane. The passwords generated are a combo of eight upper and lower case letters, and numbers. To gain entry to the password safe, you do have to remember one password, which I have passed on to both children.
When I die, they will have entry into all my online accounts, and should make the generation transition flow smoothly. They will be able to notify people (social security, VA, credit cards companies, medical and dental insurance plans, etc., etc.)
It seems to be a workable solution for someone of modest means.
Hope this will help.
*** This Week's Most Popular
The ten most popular articles in the last 7 days on Ask Leo!
- How do I delete history items from my Google tool bar?
- How do I make a new MSN Hotmail account?
- How do I put a picture in a comment on myspace.com?
- Why is my Task Manager disabled, and how do I fix it?
- My desktop Recycle Bin has disappeared - why, and how do I get it back?
- What are the POP3 and SMTP settings for Hotmail?
- How do I change my MSN Hotmail password?
- What are MSN HotMail's POP3 and SMTP settings for Outlook Express?
- I accidentally deleted my Recycle Bin in Vista - how do I get it back?
- Can I send text messages between a computer and a cell phone?
*** Leo Recommends
RoboForm Password Manager and more
I think that I have about 80 - 100 passwords that I use on a regular or somewhat regular basis. I always remember my network and computer logon passwords, but beyond that I often have to check my a) Outlook notes on my PC at work, or b) when at home on my Mac, my little black notebook stuffed in the bottom of drawer. Is storing my passwords on Outlook notes safe for my bank and tax filing accounts? Are online password managers or 'safes' secure? Do you have any suggestions for how best to manage the proliferation of passwords for online accounts? |
I don't really have a good cross-platform solution for you, though I do have a couple of odd ideas.
However, I have developed a very strong recommendation over the past couple of months for a product called RoboForm - which happily includes a free version!
Let me touch on your first two questions first...
Continue reading: RoboForm Password
Manager and more
I recommend it.
Each week I recommend a specific product or resource that I've found valuable and that I think you may as well. What does my recommendation mean?
*** Popular Articles from the Archives
Here's a tip that continues to apply; it's a part of making machine upgrades just a tiny bit easier.
Can I move my old computer's hard drive to my new computer?
My sister has a computer with Windows 98se. However, it is crashing on her. She got a new computer with Windows XP. My question is, can she install her old hard drive with 98se onto her new PC so she can transfer her files over to her new hard drive with XP? She is very illiterate when it comes to computers.
The good news is that a working hard disk that was formatted for use by Windows 98 can certainly be read by Windows XP.
The bad news is that you'll have to open the box and install the drive. That's not for everyone.
Continue reading...
Can I move my old computer's hard drive to my new computer?
*** Thoughts and Comments
Thank you everyone for the many suggestions about how to get my sticker to you.
The most common suggestion by far was the self addressed stamped envelope.
It's a great idea, but has two drawbacks: it's nearly impossible for those
outside of the U.S. to do, and only solves half my problem: I still have to do
the envelope stuffing. When it comes down to the "stuff envelope or answer
questions" decision, I'm thinking "answer questions" is perhaps the better
thing for me to be doing.
Download and print it yourself was the second most popular option. I need to check on a small copyright issue before I endorse that approach.
However your suggestions - all of them - along with a little brainstorming of my own, have me putting into place three different solutions. None of them will take my time, and they'll include both free and very cheap, options for you. They're not quite in place yet, but I hope to announce 'em next week.
And thanks, everyone, for your interest. I don't "market" Ask Leo!, relying entirely on people finding the site when they search for answers, or on the referrals of people like you, which I greatly appreciate.
Hopefully I'll soon make it easy to slap a sticker on your laptop or other sticker-slap-able surface.
As always, thanks for subscribing, for reading, and for your feedback. If you appreciate this newsletter or the site, one of the best ways you can say "Thank You!" is to link to Ask Leo! or simply to tell a friend or colleague. Just send folks to askleo.net.
'till next time...
Leo A. Notenboom
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A selection of Leo's articles are available for free re-use at http://articlesbyleo.com.
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Some of Leo's other sites: The Ask Leo! Store, Leo's Online Business Card, Forwarded Funnies, Taming Email, MovableType Tips, Leo's Blog, Buy Leo a Latte (or a Beer), A Letter To Myself, Dolls and Friends, Corgwn.com
*** Newsletter Administration
Do you have a question? A comment, perhaps? Visit http://ask-leo.com/ask to submit your questions.
I'll be honest: I'll try to respond, but I get a lot of questions every day - I just can't answer everyone. Rest assured, though, that even if you don't hear from me directly, every email gets read.
Leo's Answers Newsletter is a weekly publication of Ask Leo! and Leo A. Notenboom. It's also available as an RSS feed at this URL: http://ask-leo.com/newsletter.xml. Archives of previous newsletter issues can be found on the Ask Leo! web site, http://ask-leo.com/newsletter.html.
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Newsletter contents Copyright © 2008, Leo A. Notenboom & Puget Sound Software, LLC.