The Ask Leo! Newsletter
*** Featured
Replacing An Old Hard Disk With a Solid State Drive (SSD)
Before I upgraded my primary desktop machine to Windows 8, I decided to replace its hard disk with a solid state drive.
There was no other reason than "wouldn't it be cool" to really drive my decision. The expectation was that certain operations on the upgraded machine would be faster.
As it turned out, my machine had plans of its own, and the timing of my upgrade honestly couldn't have been better.
Here's what I did.
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Replacing An Old Hard Disk With a Solid State Drive (SSD)
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*** Answercast
Answercast #102 - Quitting anti-malware protection, accessing protected files, flakey bluetooth, popping surveys and more...
Are survey popups or flakey bluetooth devices annoying you? Keep trying to go to a website that has a trojan or frustrated with a crashing Firefox? Wonder why you have such a long IP address? All that and more in this Answercast from Ask Leo!
Continue reading: Answercast #102 - Quitting anti-malware protection, accessing protected files, flakey bluetooth, popping surveys and more...
Does lapsed virus protection leave an open door for
Letting your anti-malware subscription lapse is never a good idea. I'll look at
why that is, and the alternative you have.
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Does lapsed virus protection leave an open door for viruses?
Firefox crashes and I can't uninstall it, how do I get it to
Problems with a program that won't install can be tricky. It's important to
capture the exact wording of any error messages you are receiving.
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Firefox crashes and I can't uninstall it, how do I get it to work?
Survey Pop Ups - Annoying Ad or Even More Annoying
Survey's popping up on a website could be the result of programming on that
site - or something more sinister.
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Survey Pop Ups - Annoying Ad or Even More Annoying Spyware?
Why am I getting Object Errors on Windows 8 when I visit ESPN and
Yahoo Sports?
My understanding is that the version of IE that you access from the Start menu
is almost an Internet Explorer light... the full version is available
Continue reading:
Why am I getting Object Errors on Windows 8 when I visit ESPN and Yahoo
Why Can't I Go To a URL that Avast Tells Me is Related to a Trojan
Sounds like Avast is doing its job and keeping you away from websites that are
infected with a trojan.
Continue reading:
Why Can't I Go To a URL that Avast Tells Me is Related to a Trojan
Why is Bluetooth Often so Flakey?
Bluetooth connections, when they work, are pretty darned cool. It would be
great it if were a little bit more solid!
Continue reading: Why is Bluetooth
Often so Flakey?
What's up with this IP address?
This IP address looks like both the IPv4 address and the IPv6 address that's
been assigned to that particular network node.
Continue reading: What's up with this IP
How do I access a file on a hard drive from another Windows
installation with restrictive permissions?
Windows is not Unix. What you need to be is the administrator on the machine
that you have these disks installed on.
Continue reading:
How do I access a file on a hard drive from another Windows installation with
restrictive permissions?
Can a flash drive transmit a virus?
If there is malware on the flash drive, it could very well be in the files from
that drive that you are copying to your computer.
Continue reading: Can a flash drive
transmit a virus?
Can a virus spread over a local network?
Windows Firewall will protect your machine from other computers that share the
"safe side" of the router.
Continue reading: Can a virus
spread over a local network?
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*** Last Issue's Articles
- There's Just No Need to Hate Windows 8
- Can I copy one USB drive to another without using a computer?
- Is Google Talk a good thing?
- How do I move all emails of a certain year to a folder?
- Is cloud backup a reasonable alternative to an external hard drive?
- Why does Flash keep crashing in Firefox, but work fine in Chrome and IE?
- Why am I getting tracking cookies from your site?
- Which laptop is best?
- How can I switch back to the old Hotmail from
- Answercast #102 - Quitting anti-malware protection, accessing protected files, flakey bluetooth, popping surveys and more...
- Ask Leo! #438 - No need to hate Windows 8, on the other hand, my use of cookies and more...
*** Word o' the Week
A netizen is simply someone who is online in one form or another.
It's a play on the word "denizen" - "an inhabitant of a particular place", with "net" implying that the particular place being inhabited is the network or internet.
It might also be considered a play on the word "citizen", once again implying that a person is a "citizen" or resident of the internet, even though there's no such formal concept as internet citizenship.
Word o' the Week features a computer term or acronym taken from the Ask Leo! Glossary. If there's a word you're not sure of and would like to see defined, click here to let me know.
*** Featured Reader Comments
Larry C writes:
I'm the IT guy at a community mental health center - we hire people-people, not geeks. I train incoming users to be skeptical of spam, etc. I point out that one of the most common traits of spam is poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Since I am the one who sends out e-mails from IT warning about this and that, I tell them I want them to know it is really from me (rather than a spoofed 'System Administrator). I point out that my writing style is inimitable, as I use humor - a lot of folks tell me that whenever they get an e-mail from me, they read it immediately; they know it will make them laugh. And I also train our folks to expect that my e-mails will have perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If they do see an error, they should tell me about it, I want to learn.
I remember my 8th grade English teacher, Miss Tilly. She was somewhat grim and imposing, but here I am, 50 years later, saying she made a good mark on my life. Spelling counts!
Is 60 megabits per second too much bandwidth?
Mike W writes:
I am running with Verizon fios. I just went to Results: Download speed = 24.58 Mbps Upload speed = 5.45 Mbps Leo are you sure your download speed is only 3Mps? If true then can you change to another ISP for a faster internet service?
Trust me when I say I have looked. My neighborhood is not wired for FiOS, and also not wired for cable, so those two options are out. DSL is an option, but because our neighborhood was one of the first to get DSL years ago, it now has some of the oldest operating DSL equipment and as a result there are no modems available. I'm pestering the telephone company to upgrade.
How do I determine, not reset, the Windows administrator password?
Mark J writes:
I personally think that the most common reason someone would want to determine the account password without resetting it, would be to crack into someone else's account. Otherwise, resetting should be a workable solution.
*** Thoughts and Comments
I told you that I "played" during my sabbatical. This week's article
Replacing An Old Hard Disk With a Solid State Drive (SSD) wasn't a research
project it at all. It was me playing. Honest.
Fortunately, sometimes playing pays off. Not just in more things I can share on Ask Leo!, but sometimes actually saving my bacon. I didn't start out needing to replace the drive, but as I dove in I realized ... I had to.
Fortunately all's well and good once again.
See you next week,
Leo A. Notenboom
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