#939 - How Do I Disable OneDrive in Office 365?
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I Don't Want OneDrive!
That's something I hear relatively often. Personally, I use it and love it, but not everyone feels the same way.
Honestly, in my opinion Microsoft has really messed up how they present OneDrive. (This is a family newsletter, or I'd use stronger language.) Bad feature decisions along with the feeling that it gets rammed down your throat leads to a really, really bad user experience.
Particularly when it comes to its relationship to Microsoft Office.
Let's fix that, shall we? How Do I Disable OneDrive in Office 365? will help.
Also this week:
- One thing everyone needs to know about technology.
- Another thing everyone needs to assume about their workplace.
- Two things to know about getting better search results.
As always, links below.
TEH Podcast
This week Gary and I discuss USB-C as a standard -- will it become irrelevant before Apple adopts it? We all have so many already, do they really need to include a charger? The evolution of my video editing, and of course more.
TEH 175: What's with the plugs? Video software.
Take care,
Featured Article
How Do I Disable OneDrive in Office 365?
It can feel like it's forced on you, but you can change that.
OneDrive can be useful, and it can be annoying. It's on by default, but it's not terribly difficult to decouple or turn off.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
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Many employers can and do monitor the technological activity of their employees. Here's what you need to consider doing. https://askleo.com/149583 |
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Searching the internet is an art of sorts. I'll share my two-step approach to better search results. https://askleo.com/16909 |
Does My Computer Need a Memory Upgrade? | ![]() |
A memory upgrade can be an easy, inexpensive way to improve system performance, but how do you know if an upgrade is called for? https://askleo.com/15625 |
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![]() | Does My Computer Need a Memory Upgrade?A memory upgrade can be an easy, inexpensive way to improve system performance, but how do you know if an upgrade is called for?https://youtu.be/J6hbbHzPm9w |
![]() | Two Steps to Better Search ResultsSearching is an art of sorts. I'll share two common mistakes searchers make, and my two-step approach to better search results.https://youtu.be/azsqC_ZGu9Y |
![]() | What Should I Assume about Workplace Technology Monitoring?Many employers can, and do, monitor the technological activity of their employees. Here's what you need to consider, and possibly do about it.https://youtu.be/6d5poH2csgc |
![]() | How Do I Disable OneDrive in Office 365?OneDrive can be useful, and it can be annoying. And it's on by default. Fortunately, it's not terribly difficult to decouple or turn off. I'll show you how.https://youtu.be/Gs5Ydv47-ck |
![]() | The One Thing Every Non-Technical Person Needs to KnowIf there's one precaution I want everyone to embrace, it's this.https://youtu.be/Suy9F_fXNUs |
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- Tip of the Day: Resize the Command Prompt
- Tip of the Day: When In Doubt, Take a Screen Shot
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