👍 #920 - Using Chrome Remote Desktop in Windows
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Remote Access
I've tried most of the remote access tools. They range in convenience and cost. The one I find myself using most often these days? Google's Chrome Remote Desktop.
Remote access isn't evil, but it can be used by folks with evil intent. Don't allow anyone you don't know to access your computer remotely using this or any tool.
That being said, this is a super convenient way to access one PC from another, with minimal hassle. Be it across the planet, or just downstairs (as in my case), Chrome Remote Desktop is a fine, free, tool.
Using Chrome Remote Desktop in Windows has more.
Also this week:
- Screen resolution, making things bigger, and my recommended settings.
- CHKDSK doesn't corrupt files. But here's what does.
- Panic? No thank you.
As always, links below.
TEH Podcast
As planned, a week off.
Personal Project
Not tech related, I'm starting a thing -- Things are About to Get Busy Around Here -- for my 65th birthday in September.
As I approach 65 this year, I'll be diving into "65 Thoughts". They'll be a combination of lessons learned, advice I'd share, things I wish I'd known earlier, things I wish I'd done differently, and additional random musings collected so far.
I won't claim they're earth-shattering, deep, or even particularly insightful. They're just ... thoughts. Excursions into my brain. Ideas that have been rattling arround, looking for a way out.
65 of them.
You can subscribe at that page if you'd like to get 'em in email.
Take care,
Featured Article
Using Chrome Remote Desktop in Windows
Get help, give help, or access that computer in the basement with this free remote-access tool.
Google's Chrome Remote Desktop is a free and convenient remote-access tool allowing you to get help from people you trust or be the person giving help.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
How Does Screen Resolution Work? | ![]() |
Screen resolution is a simple concept, but when combined with the myriad ways that Windows can be configured, it can become confusing. https://askleo.com/4245 |
Can CHKDSK Corrupt Files? | ![]() |
If CHKDSK freezes when you run it, you may have a problem with your files or hard disk, but CHKDSK didn't cause them. https://askleo.com/8425 |
Why I Rarely Panic | ![]() |
I have a fairly laid-back style, but I feel it's with good reason. So much of we hear about just isn't panic-worthy, even if news reports make it seem like it is. https://askleo.com/14069 |
Why is My Disk Busy Even Though I'm Doing Nothing? | ![]() |
Unexpected hard disk activity isn't unusual. I'll show you how to use a free monitoring tool to determine what program is causing it. https://askleo.com/1828 |
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![]() | Why is My Disk Busy Even Though I'm Doing Nothing?Unexpected hard disk activity isn't unusual. I'll show you how to use a free monitoring tool to determine what program is causing it.https://youtu.be/_YxbrUaVJqU |
![]() | Why I Rarely PanicI have a fairly laid-back style, but I feel it's with good reason. So much of we hear about just isn't panic-worthy, even if news reports make it seem like it is.https://youtu.be/2fuKb6-aveM |
![]() | Can CHKDSK Corrupt Files?If CHKDSK freezes when you run it, you may have a problem with your files or hard disk, but CHKDSK didn't cause them.https://youtu.be/kYpupJPu5bA |
![]() | Using Chrome Remote Desktop in WindowsGoogle's Chrome Remote Desktop is a free and convenient remote-access tool allowing you to get help from people you trust or be the person giving help.https://youtu.be/EcAZZ9fd5jQ |
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- Tip of the Day: Never Search for "Support"
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