👍 #910 - You Are Not Too Old for Technology
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On aging and technology
One of my (many?) pet peeves are those folks who consider themselves "too old" for computers, mobile phones, and technology in general.
Some of them are even younger than I am!
Here's the thing: they've defeated themselves before they even begin. They've given up. And it's such an unneccessary waste.
You Are Not Too Old for Technology has more.
Also this week:
- Virtual Memory - should you tweak it?
- Your computer - should you lock it?
- Drive letters - should you reassign them?
As always, links below.
Elsewhere on the web
I'm honored that my aging article, this week's featured article above, was also featured in a write-up by author Julia Hubbel: DON'T SAY THAT: The Chilling, Killing Effect of "I'm Too Old" for This.
Julia's a writer I've followed for some time, and whose work on aging, travel, and more, I truly appreciate. I occasionally quote her work in my 7 Takeaways.
A few other items I found interesting or useful this week.
- Envision Glasses for the Blind Can Read Documents, Scan Faces, Aid Navigation - Cool progress for the sight impared. Too pricey for most, and a version 1, but it's a start
- Spiritual hustlers are all over social media. Don't let them scam you. - Yet another reason I keep harping on skepticism.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day - You already know about this, right? If not, it's a daily moment of "wow!"
TEH Podcast
Because I was travelling and had poor internet connectivity(*) we didn't record an episode this week.
(*) For a while. How I fixed it will be the subject of an upcoming article.
Have a great week!
Featured Article
You Are Not Too Old for Technology
Age isn't the limiting factor; it's all about attitude.
I keep hearing from people who consider themselves too old. They're not. Don't be like them.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
How Should I Configure Virtual Memory Settings? | ![]() |
The default settings for virtual memory are good enough for most. Tweaking virtual memory settings depends on your computer and what you do with it. https://askleo.com/3062 |
Lock Your Computer When You Walk Away | ![]() |
If your device is not physically secure, neither the machine nor your data is. https://askleo.com/26678 |
How to Reassign Drive Letters in Windows | ![]() |
Drive letters like C:, D: and so on are assigned by Windows to reference your hard disks. They are not all cast in stone; most drive letters can be changed. https://askleo.com/2743 |
How Do I Fix a Blue Screen Error? | ![]() |
Blue screen errors are less common than they used to be, but they can still happen for a variety of reasons. I'll review what to do and when. https://askleo.com/20757 |
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![]() | How Do I Fix a Blue Screen Error?Blue screen errors are less common than they used to be, but they can still happen for a variety of reasons. I'll review what to do and when.https://youtu.be/4MWNUfnuhmg |
![]() | How to Reassign Drive Letters in Windows?Drive letters like C:, D: and so on are assigned by Windows to reference your hard disks. They are not all cast in stone; most drive letters can be changed.https://youtu.be/S4ShigHdRQ8 |
![]() | Lock Your Computer When You Walk AwayIf your device is not physically secure, neither the machine nor your data is.https://youtu.be/n_WcsGT3GjA |
![]() | You Are Not Too Old for TechnologyI keep hearing from people who consider themselves too old. They're not. Don't be like them.https://youtu.be/I_6wpKf8jso |
![]() | How Should I Configure Virtual Memory Settings?The default settings for virtual memory are good enough for most. Tweaking virtual memory settings depends on your computer and what you do with it.https://youtu.be/RO1c6A8rfK0 |
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- Tip of the Day: Visit (and Clean) the Temp Folder in Windows Command Prompt
- Tip of the Day: Open Command Prompt in File Explorer's Displayed Folder
- Tip of the Day: You're the One Responsible
- Tip of the Day: View Keyboard Shortcuts on Menus
- Tip of the Day: Quit Relying on the Desktop
- Tip of the Day: List ALL the Accounts on Your Machine
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