Newsletter Changes
Last week I mentioned a couple of videos I'd published that hadn't yet appeared on Ask Leo!. It dawned on me that a) this happens from time to time, b) some prefer video, and c) I've been investing in video, so d) I should do a better job of letting you know!
The result: scroll down a bit in this email to find all the videos I've published on YouTube this week.
I've also changed the layout to be more consistent across articles, videos, and what-nots.
As always, everything is a test, and I hope this helps to make Confident Computing more useful to you.
Speaking of videos
One of my subtle "behind the scenes" changes is meant to reward Ask Leo! patrons.
Many articles include a video near the bottom. The "change" is you may see a different video if you're a patron signed in with your Ask Leo! account. The difference? Videos for signed-in patrons come from a different source (Vimeo), and don't include YouTube advertising.
Note: This doesn't apply to older videos or links in the newsletter. It's something I only started a month or so ago, and applies only to videos published since then. The newsletter has no way to know if you're a patron.
My little way of saying "Thank You, patrons!".
This week's articles & videos
The featured article is about letting your browser remember passwords, and why it might not be such a good idea. You're better off (and safer!) using a tool dedicated to that job, like LastPass or other password vaults.
This week's articles also include: Using Windows Disk Clean Up in Windows 10, How to Get the Latest Windows 10 Feature Update, and why Wi-Fi is (almost) always slower than a wired connection.
Additional videos this week include: why Wi-Fi could sometimes be faster than wired, why an online service that can tell you your password is doing security wrong, and what happens when someone re-opens your "closed" account.
The TEH Podcast
Gary and I took the week off. Independence Day is our excuse, and I'm running with that.
Ask Leo! Live
The next Ask Leo! Live will be July 11th, at 2PM US PT. I'll be demoing and discussing LastPass, password vaults in general, and taking your questions, all live!
Latest info, as always, at
Stay safe. Be well. Be kind.
Is It Safe to Let Your Browser Remember Passwords? The Often Overlooked Risk
Letting your browser remember passwords is a convenient feature. However, with that convenience comes risk -- often significant risk. Most folks are much better served by using a password vault like LastPass. I'll explain why.
This Week on Ask Leo!
![]() | Using Disk Cleanup in Windows 10 - Including What To Clean UpDisk Cleanup in Windows 10 is a handy tool for freeing up space on your hard drive. I'll show you how it's done, and what to clean up. It's one of the first places I recommend people turn to when they're running low on disk space. |
![]() | How To Get the Latest Windows 10 Update - Three Techniques and a RecommendationThere are a several approaches to getting the latest Windows 10 update. I'll describe them and show you what I recommend, what I use, and what those who simply can't wait should do. |
![]() | Why is My Wi-Fi Speed Slower than Ethernet? Why You Really Want that Wired ConnectionWired speeds are almost always faster than wireless. I'll review why and what you can do. Spoiler: "what you can do" usually involves a cable. |
![]() | Are You Ready for Your Computer to be Stolen?A stolen or lost computer can open the doors to all sorts of havoc if you're not prepared. I'll cover a few of the basics. |
This Week on YouTube
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![]() | Why Might Wi-Fi Be Faster than Ethernet? - What You Should Review if it IsIt does sound strange that a wireless connection could be faster than ethernet. We'll start by looking at the obvious: the cable connection itself. |
![]() | Why is My Wi-Fi Speed Slower than Ethernet? Why You Really Want that Wired ConnectionWired speeds are almost always faster. I'll review why that is and what you can do. |
![]() | Why Can't Online Services Tell Me My Password? (If They Can, There's Something Wrong)It's for your own protection, and the result of fascinating mathematical wizardry. And if they can tell you your password? They're doing security wrong. |
![]() | Could Someone Reopen My Closed Email Account? - Kind Of, Yes. What You Should Do InsteadAfter an online account is deleted, the ID or email address is eventually made available for re-use. It's the same name but a different owner, and that can confuse people. |
![]() | How To Get the Latest Windows 10 Update - Three Techniques and a RecommendationThere are a several approaches to get the latest Windows 10 update. I'll describe them, and then show you the one I used. |
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For Ask Leo! Patrons
The Ask Leo! Tip of the Day
A feature exclusively available to Ask Leo! Patrons Bronze level & above.
- Tip of the Day: Prevent Accidental "Sticky Keys"
- Tip of the Day: USB Extension Cables Exist
- Tip of the Day: Control Your Laptop Buttons
- Tip of the Day: Never Hide Extensions
- Tip of the Day: Scan Those Old Photos
- Tip of the Day: Limit Update Bandwidth Usage
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Leo A. Notenboom & Puget Sound Software, LLC.
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