👍 #848 - Why Is My Computer Crashing Randomly?
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This week's articles & videos
If you've used computers for any length of time you've probably experienced it. You're working along and all of a sudden -- *poof* -- your machine reboots. Or shuts down. Or just stops responding.
Once? Maybe. But if it's happening repeatedly and without warning, that's usually a sign of some deeper issue.
This week's featured article -- Why Is My Computer Crashing Randomly? -- discusses the number one reason that happens, and what to do about it.
Also this week:
- The free backup software that came with your external drive: is it any good? Maybe.
- If someone steals your computer, what can they see? Unless you've taken steps: a lot.
- Do you need to reboot every so often? And how long should "so often" be? These days it's often a moot point.
TEH Podcast
We ended up skipping this week. Gary's origin story next week.
See you next week,
This Week's Featured Article
Why Is My Computer Crashing Randomly?
The most common cause and a plan of attack.
Random crashes are annoying and difficult to diagnose. I'll review common causes and steps you can take to determine what's happening on your computer.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
Should You Use the Free Backup Software that Comes with Some External Drives? | ![]() |
Many external drives include free backup software that I never use. I'll explain why, and what I do instead. https://askleo.com/19892 |
What Can a Computer Thief See If I Password Protect My Windows Sign-in? | ![]() |
Password-protecting your Windows login does not protect your computer's data, particularly if the computer is stolen. https://askleo.com/22565 |
How Often Should I Reboot My Computer? | ![]() |
Rebooting your computer "every so often" is less necessary these days than it once was, but the point is often moot. https://askleo.com/129288 |
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![]() | How Often Should I Reboot My Computer?Rebooting your computer "every so often" is less necessary these days than it once was. So, should I reboot my computer?https://youtu.be/VjM7SUQSYVI |
![]() | What Can a Computer Thief See If I Password Protect My Windows Sign-in?Password-protecting your Windows login does not protect your computer's data, from what a computer thief can see.https://youtu.be/ydjU34Od1SU |
![]() | Why Is My Computer Crashing Randomly? The Most Common Cause and a Plan of AttackIt is tough to figure out why a computer may be crashing. My experience points in one direction. I'll review common causes and steps you can take to determine what's happening on your computer.https://youtu.be/ewE697GvbuE |
![]() | Should You Use the Free Backup Software that Came with Your External DriveMany external drives include free backup software that I never use. I'll explain why, and what I do instead.https://youtu.be/EdkbeMrE6fs |
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- Tip of the Day: Copy/Paste Instead of Clicking a Link
- Tip of the Day: Google Voice for Text Messaging
- Tip of the Day: Check for Router Firmware Updates
- Tip of the Day: Disable OneDrive in Windows 10
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