👍 #843 - Will Ransomware Encrypt Backups?
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It wasn't intentional, but this week's featured article, like last week's, is about ransomware. Specifically, whether or not it will encrypt your backups.
It used to be ransomware was not particularly sophisticated, and would rarely step outside of the confines of the C: or system drive. While that's still true of most ransomware, it encrypting backups is something worth planning for.
What I don't want you to do is stop making backups. Unfortunately the most common recommendation unintentionally does exactly that.
Will Ransomware Encrypt Backups? goes into more detail and the steps I recommend you take.
Also this week:
- Why a login page over Wi-Fi does not mean it's "secure".
- How you can protect yourself from the two basic threats against your cloud data.
- Why images in emails you send and receive might show up sometimes here and sometimes there.
TEH Podcast
In our year-end wrap-up we overlooked a huge story! You know that "Solar Winds" hack? I think it's a good thing! We bid farewell to Flash, Gary shares some of his history in its evolution, I love my Roku, and we talk about a few other things as well. TEH 123: Forgot space! Tech supply chain. RIP to Flash. Karate and Roku.
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This Week's Featured Article
Will Ransomware Encrypt Backups?
How you can protect yourself in case they do
A full-image backup is still the best defense against ransomware. But what if your backup gets encrypted? I'll look at the likelihood of that happening and make some recommendations.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
Does an Open Wi-Fi Login Page Mean It's Secure? | ![]() |
An open Wi-Fi login doesn't imply security. If you connect to an open Wi-Fi hotspot without a password and your browser can display anything, it's not a secure connection. https://askleo.com/16526?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=20210112&utm_medium=email |
The Two Types of Cloud Data Threats and How You Protect Yourself | ![]() |
All cloud data threats boil down to one of two things. I'll review them and lay out what you need to do to keep your data is safe in the cloud. https://askleo.com/128296?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=20210112&utm_medium=email |
Why Do Pictures in Email Sometimes Show as Attachments, and Sometimes in the Message? | ![]() |
Pictures in email don't always display. The reasons are varied and confusing, but I'll review the three most common causes of problems and what you need to do. https://askleo.com/2861?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=20210112&utm_medium=email |
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![]() | How Two-Factor Authentication Works, and Why You Should Use It to Keep Hackers OutTwo-factor authentication is a great way to keep your accounts secure from hackers -- even those who manage to get your password.https://youtu.be/gAa4SWM6xV4 |
![]() | Why Do Pictures in Email Sometimes Show as Attachments, and Sometimes in the Message?Pictures in email don't always display. The reasons are varied and confusing, but I'll review the three most common causes of problems and what you need to do.https://youtu.be/GCvaFUAVLLA |
![]() | Is My Data Safe in the Cloud? Two Cloud Data Threats and How to Protect YourselfAll cloud data threats boil down to one of two things. I'll review them and lay out what you need to do to keep your data is safe in the cloud.https://youtu.be/Uxm6ewk9aFc |
![]() | Will Ransomware Encrypt Backups? How to Protect Yourself from Ransomware in Case It DoesA full-image backup is still the best defense against ransomware. Will Ransomware Encrypt Backups? I'll look at the likelihood of that happening and make some recommendations.https://youtu.be/X-FNkMu6v80 |
![]() | Does an Open Wi-Fi Login Page Mean It's Secure?An open Wi-Fi login doesn't imply security. If you connect to an open Wi-Fi hotspot without a password and your browser can display anything, it's not a secure connection.https://youtu.be/Ce-s_5vwv08 |
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