👍 #883 - What Is a TPM? And Why Do I Need One?
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This week's featured article
So. Much. Confusion.
I'm talking, of course, about the TPM: whether or not it's needed, what, exactly, is needed, and why in some cases you might already have one and just don't know it!
And, of course, what the heck is it? Just saying it's the "Trusted Platform Module" doesn't help.
I'll go over it all in What Is a TPM? And Why Do I Need One?
Also this week:
- Hundreds of registry errors? Can you guess what I'll suggest you do about it?
- Anything is possible -- but that doesn't help, now, does it?
- Email. Love it or hate it we rely on it. Just don't rely on it being quick.
TEH Podcast
This week we spent most of our time on my own saga with Windows 11. Yes, I installed it on a virtual machine, as I mentioned last week. As it turns out I ended up -- quite unexpectedly -- going further. Much further. TEH 144: Upgrade to Win 11? Yes? No? has all the details. And Black Widow. And Squid Game.
Hope your week is going well.
This Week's Featured Article
What Is a TPM? And Why Do I Need One?
You may already have one.
Windows 11 hardware requirements brought the TPM, or Trusted Platform Module, into the spotlight. I'll touch on what it is, why your machine might not appear to have one, and what to do if it doesn't.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
My Registry Scan Reported Hundreds of Errors! Which Do I Fix? | ![]() |
Registry scanners often report hundreds, if not thousands, of issues. Should you fix them, and if so, which? Here's my approach. https://askleo.com/2893 |
"Is It Possible" Is the Wrong Question | ![]() |
Yes, it's possible. But you might want to ask a different question that will result in a more helpful answer. https://askleo.com/30257 |
Why Does Email Take So Long to Arrive Sometimes? | ![]() |
Counting on email being almost instant is probably a bad idea. Email is designed to tolerate many delays, and delays do happen. https://askleo.com/2650 |
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![]() | Why Does Email Take So Long to Arrive Sometimes?Counting on email being almost instant is probably a bad idea. Email is designed to tolerate many delays, and delays do happen.https://youtu.be/exNkihDXEVc |
![]() | "Is It Possible" Is the Wrong QuestionYes, it is possible. But you might want to ask a different question that will result in a more helpful answer.https://youtu.be/Y_vgv0Syisw |
![]() | What Is a TPM? And Why Do I Need One?Windows 11 hardware requirements brought the requirement of a TPM, or Trusted Platform Module, into the spotlight. I'll touch on what it is, why your machine might not appear to have one, and what to do if it doesn't.https://youtu.be/-h1lyJmgqKo |
![]() | My Registry Scan Reported Hundreds of Errors! Which Do I Fix?Registry scanners often report hundreds, if not thousands of issues. Should you fix them, and if so, which? Here's my approach.https://youtu.be/bMKET5_pqx8 |
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