👍 #873 - No Email from LastPass? Dealing with Sign-In Problems
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Happy Anniversary to . . . me!
August 10, 2003 is when the first Ask Leo! article was published.
Those were the days of Windows XP, Internet Explorer 6, MSN Messenger, Outlook Express, and more. Good times.
A lot has changed in the intervening 18(!) years, but one thing certainly hasn't: there's no shortage of questions about computers and technology.
It's "steady as she goes" for the forseeable future. Ask Leo! remains my excuse to keep playing with technology, and help a few folks along the way.
If you want to join the celebration, consider consider becoming a patron (if you're not already -- THANKS if you are!), or maybe just buy me a coffee or a beer. And even if not, of all the ways to support Ask Leo! even just sharing the newsletter with a friend, or passing the word in some other way helps immensely.
With luck and your support let's keep doing this for another 18 years, shall we?
This week's featured article
I got to my hotel room, tried to sign in to LastPass . . . and I couldn't.
What followed was some small frustration, some realization of how many ways I was covered no matter what, and ultimately understanding that it was really my own fault.
No Email from LastPass? Dealing with Sign-In Problems has the story.
Also this week:
- Neighbor using your IP address? If true, it's a bad thing.
- What it means to reformat a disk, and four ways to do it.
- The mystery of the moving mouse.
TEH Podcast
One more week off. Should be back on track next week.
Thanks, as always, for being here and for your ongoing support,
This Week's Featured Article
No Email from LastPass? Dealing with Sign-In Problems
It happened to me. The steps I took, the mistake I made, and what I had at risk.
While travelling, I signed in to my LastPass account only to be told I needed to confirm an email message that never arrived -- or so I thought.
Also This Week on Ask Leo!
How Do I Stop My Neighbor Using My IP Address? | ![]() |
If it's certain a neighbor is using your IP address without permission, you need to take steps. But first you need to make sure. https://askleo.com/3814 |
How to Reformat a Disk | ![]() |
Formatting is the process of erasing a disk for use or reuse. There are a couple of different ways and options. https://askleo.com/135005 |
My Mouse Cursor is Moving on its Own. Have I Been Hacked? | ![]() |
Occasionally, your mouse cursor may seem to move on its own. There are benign and easily resolved causes of this as well as occasionally malicious reasons. https://askleo.com/135326 |
Ask Leo! on YouTube
Subscribe to Ask Leo! on YouTube to get the latest on YouTube.com. Your subscription (and "Likes") help others find Ask Leo!, and the the answers they're looking for.
![]() | My Mouse Cursor is Moving on its Own. Have I Been Hacked?Occasionally, your mouse cursor may seem to be moving on its own. There are benign and easily resolved causes of this as well as occasionally malicious reasons.https://youtu.be/EPWz3iKHUAk |
![]() | How to Reformat a DiskFormatting is the process of erasing a disk for use or reuse. There are a couple of different options on how to reformat a disk.https://youtu.be/w_Y2y_kIgIw |
![]() | No Email from LastPass? Dealing with Sign-In ProblemsWhile travelling, I signed in to my LastPass account only to be told I needed to confirm an email message -- but no email from them -- or so I thought.https://youtu.be/yvVACg6Uafk |
![]() | How Do I Stop My Neighbor Using My IP Address?If it's certain a neighbor is using your IP address without permission, you need to take steps. But first, you need to make sure.https://youtu.be/jbfuoNW39_o |
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- Tip of the Day: Back Up Your Vault
- Tip of the Day: F5 for Refresh
- Tip of the Day: Side-by-side Explorers in Four Keystrokes
- Tip of the Day: AlternativeTo
- Tip of the Day: Don't Wait for the Statement
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7 Takeaways - I've resolved to read something of substance each day and identify one idea to "take away". Once a week I post the takeaways I've collected for the week.
leo.notenboom.org - My personal blog. Part writing exercise, part ranting platform, it's where I write about anything and everything and nothing at all.
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Leo A. Notenboom & Puget Sound Software, LLC.
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